
Foil Hangarback and Jace Buyout

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This is a weird one. This week, all foil copies of Hangarback Walker and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy were bought out from TCGPlayer. These cards were already on the expensive side, and Origins is still the current draft set. While that won't be true for long, this buyout is still peculiar.

There was an error retrieving a chart for Jace, Vryn's Prodigy
There was an error retrieving a chart for Hangarback Walker

Both cards have been showing promise in non-Standard formats, which is likely the motivation for our buyer. At any rate, I would expect to see more foil copies entering the market soon, at which point we'll find out how committed our buyer is to artificially inflating the price of these cards. It's a very curious move to target an in-print, recently-printed even, foil. The motivation is, again, clearly tied to other formats, but that's not where most of the demand for these cards comes from. If I had foils, I'd see if I couldn't sell them. Odds are they'll be coming down soon enough.

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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10 thoughts on “Foil Hangarback and Jace Buyout

  1. It seems like you’re surprised by that. Every other mtgfinance article this week mentions these cards and their splash in legacy and vintage, with notes about how good foils are for these formats.

    So I’m pretty sure it’s not a single person who is doing a buy out. it’s real in eternal formats and people want to buy them now. Extra copies would be good, but in the end, foil jace will be 100 $ in a year.

    1. I could name a few specific people buying this – but I won’t because I don’t want to start anything.

      It still feels really odd to target in-print cards that are actually being drafted and opened for another entire month, not to mention MTGO redemption just kicked in.

    2. The point of this post is that the prices will be coming down before they increase significantly. This is way too soon for a buyout, and this was definitely not just a bunch of people buying one set.

  2. So someone knows of a few people who think they did a buy out because they bought every copy that they could find at a certain time point…
    This is not a buy out. like the reactions mention, you can’t do a buy out with a set in print. People may think they do, but it’s not a buy out.

    It’s real demand, feeded by hype and speculation for a part, but it’s still demand.

    Nobody is going to sell his foil jace for below 50.

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