
From the Vault: Angels Fully Spoiled

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Well, gang, it looks like we finally have the list for From the Vault: Angels. All told, the list isn't the most exciting From the Vault that we've ever seen...

There are a few cards here that are worth a few bucks, and the price of Avacyn, Angel of Hope is currently out of control. The foil Iona might have been worth a lot if it wasn't in Modern Masters 2015, but here we are. The most exciting card here is Tariel, Reckoner of Souls, as this is the first foil printing of the card, but I can't imagine that there will be a ton of demand for this as the nonfoil can be had for about $5.

This is a far cry from the worst FTV we've ever seen, and I expect that it will actually appreciate in value over time unlike FTV Annihilation. I'd be very excited to get this set at MSRP and would be somewhat cautious about the rates that many retailers will try to get unless you're investing in it for the long haul.

One thought on “From the Vault: Angels Fully Spoiled

  1. You’re missing one point of the different artwork. The foil Akroma’s are worth 15 (wrath) and 40 (fury) and their T Nielsen artwork for the ftv is friggen awesome.

    I think the ftv version may be more desirable than the pack foil counterpart. That being said, I think the pack foil akroma’s will go down and the ftv version will be worth just as much, if not a little less, because of availability and supply.


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