
Allies Buyout

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It seems like it was just yesterday, but apparently the original Zendikar block was a million years ago. Long enough ago for speculators to buyout Harabaz Druid and Jwari Shapeshifter.

There was an error retrieving a chart for Harabaz Druid
There was an error retrieving a chart for Jwari Shapeshifter

According to Peter at MTG Stocks there's a Modern allies deck that apparently exists, though I assume it's just a dramatically worse version of Merfolk. Either way, I buy this as the reason that these cards were bought out.

You can buylist a very small number of these cards for over a dollar, though otherwise they're pretty much buylisting for approximately what you could have bought them for on TCGPlayer.

I wouldn't buy into this hype because it would take more than one Standard legal set to make something like Allies viable in the Lightning Bolt format, but I do like these cards as long-term casual holds if you have them or can get them for cheap. I'm sure you can find these guys in some bulk boxes, and barring a dual deck reprint it doesn't seem like it will be difficult for these cards to maintain their $2-3 price tags and to slowly increase over time.

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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2 thoughts on “Allies Buyout

  1. there is a zoo like ally deck in modern. And it’s quiet good in fighting bolt, better than merfolk.

    But they don’t play the shapeshifter or the druid.

    Also, it’s worthless because it does nothing against torpor orb 😉

  2. I played against it in modern a couple of times. The first game it suprises you if the synergy works but G2 and 3 is quite easy to deny them the synergy.

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