History has shown us (history is really nice about showing us things) that Modern rewards great knowledge and familiarity with an archetype. For example: Sam Pardee with Pod (and now Twin), Shaun McLaren with UR/x decks, and others. Because Modern a very complex format, with a lot of decks and complicated lines, understanding how your deck functions and being prepared for proper sideboarding/role switching is really important. Metagame calling is a great tool as well, and plays an important role in sideboard construction/deck choice, but unless the format has shifted to a point where things look very polarized (Ramp is dominating, too much midrange, etc) you can be confident that great deck knowledge will aid you in an event/season more than constantly switching decks will.
There is a spectrum to this however; if all you know is Grixis Control and everyone is gunning for Grixis, you will be disadvantaged when running headfirst into a hostile field. So, practice a deck, master its intricacies, but be prepared to audible if necessary.
]]>Very likely.
Jund has an even matchup against Grixis. Abzan on the other hand smashes Grixis and Jund for that matter. If you expect a field heavy on those two decks Abzan will serve you well. You are still playing a BG/x deck in the end so it’s not like you are playing a meta deck that has no chance against other random decks.
Also note junk than Jund. It’s this due to the grixis control Matchup and the better threats in junk?
]]>The article was a good read, keep it up 🙂
I hope Brimaz will go down with the rotation, because I really think he’s a good one for modern and I’ll buy some then.