Comments on: Analyzing SCG Cincinnati for GP Oklahoma Play More, Win More, Pay Less Mon, 14 Sep 2015 14:00:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Joseph Mayday Mon, 14 Sep 2015 14:00:00 +0000 It needs to be said that there is no way the manabase for that slivers deck is correct. I was testing it the other day and died multiple times with white spells in hand after cracking a windswept heath. If the mana base gets smoothed out, I think the deck can do some powerful things. Necrotic sliver in particular is a real standout in my eyes turning your less good slivers into vindicates.

By: Paulo Azevedo Sun, 13 Sep 2015 03:44:35 +0000 Just leaving my 2 cents cause I didn’t know it helped support u until now.
Great stream, pretty cool article, keep it up 🙂

By: estoddard Sun, 13 Sep 2015 00:27:56 +0000 Hey Trevor love the stream and love the insight, I’ve been thinking about UW control alot lately, played it a FNM, and really like the play style, you thinking of ever streaming the deck anytime soon?

By: Trevor Holmes Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:40:06 +0000 In reply to Slater Claudel II.

History has shown us (history is really nice about showing us things) that Modern rewards great knowledge and familiarity with an archetype. For example: Sam Pardee with Pod (and now Twin), Shaun McLaren with UR/x decks, and others. Because Modern a very complex format, with a lot of decks and complicated lines, understanding how your deck functions and being prepared for proper sideboarding/role switching is really important. Metagame calling is a great tool as well, and plays an important role in sideboard construction/deck choice, but unless the format has shifted to a point where things look very polarized (Ramp is dominating, too much midrange, etc) you can be confident that great deck knowledge will aid you in an event/season more than constantly switching decks will.

There is a spectrum to this however; if all you know is Grixis Control and everyone is gunning for Grixis, you will be disadvantaged when running headfirst into a hostile field. So, practice a deck, master its intricacies, but be prepared to audible if necessary.

By: Slater Claudel II Fri, 11 Sep 2015 16:20:49 +0000 Do you think meta calling in modern is more important than being proficient with a deck you have played for a long time and are well versed with?

By: DNLK Fri, 11 Sep 2015 08:27:41 +0000 As people in my local community always say, meta is very awkward to new things so yeah, if they come unprepared, it can be easy win for rogue decks like infect, slivers and merfolks.

By: Galerion Thu, 10 Sep 2015 22:34:34 +0000 In reply to SageOfKeralKeep.

Very likely.
Jund has an even matchup against Grixis. Abzan on the other hand smashes Grixis and Jund for that matter. If you expect a field heavy on those two decks Abzan will serve you well. You are still playing a BG/x deck in the end so it’s not like you are playing a meta deck that has no chance against other random decks.

By: SageOfKeralKeep Thu, 10 Sep 2015 21:20:57 +0000 The top two Jund lists maindecked Abbot of Keral Keep. On the back of Joe Herrera’s list it seems to be gaining momentum as a modern card.

Also note junk than Jund. It’s this due to the grixis control Matchup and the better threats in junk?

By: Dampiel Thu, 10 Sep 2015 21:12:20 +0000 I really loved the slivers deck. Sad it didn’t get to win against Infect.

The article was a good read, keep it up 🙂

I hope Brimaz will go down with the rotation, because I really think he’s a good one for modern and I’ll buy some then.

By: Smartattack Thu, 10 Sep 2015 21:04:03 +0000 Cool insight over the tournament, wish you wrote articles more often
