It’s definitely a danger. That said, I think it would be more likely for Wizards to release a Burn deck (packed with C/Us and with lots of budget alternatives), assuming they wanted something aggressive. They might also prefer to release a more control or midrange-oriented list.
I get the sense Wizards doesn’t really like the Infect mechanic that much, and might think there are better ways to introduce players to Modern.
Agree that waiting is the wise move for now. Hopefully we’ll get that announcement soon, but I’m not holding my breath because it took a long time back in 2014.
]]>“The main danger would be an Infect Modern Event deck. This could certainly be announced during the upcoming Modern tournaments as a way to build hype, but that also doesn’t seem too likely; there are better Event deck candidates.”
I think infect is the PERFECT event deck candidate. A large portion of it’s cards are C/U (so it doesn’t require a lot of rares to begin with). It’s a decent deck to begin with (certainly stronger than W/B Tokens) and it could be upgraded to Tier 1 with the addition of the recently reprinted Noble Heirarch. This is the sole reason I haven’t touched Inkmoth Nexus in the past 4 months, despite it’s clear strength in the modern metagame. Investing on this one is a gamble…it could pay off handsomely (if WoTC doesn’t reprint it soon), but it could get torpedo’d (as you mention) if they do…I think the right call on this one is to hold off until they announce the modern event deck…if it’s not infect aggressively pick up (at least that’s what I’ll be doing)