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Our own Brian Demars made it to 3rd place at Grand Prix: Seattle yesterday. He was slinging Jeskai Miracles, a deck that can grind out a game and win spectacularly. You can see Brian's decklist here and read his Semifinal match against eventual winner Jarvis Yu as well.
If you're an Insider, you can expect to see Brian's take on the investments of Legacy, his State of the Format and a great tournament writeup on this site... as soon as he has time to unpack!
With his victory, Brian has qualified for Pro Tour: Oath of the Gatewatch in Atlanta, too!
Congrats again Brian! I was the individual that came up to you outside the convention center on Thursday and had a little chat with/guy looking for Saga arena promo foil lands. Anyway, if you ever want to grab a few games of Vintage/Legacy/OSM thru Workstation, hit me up.