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What's up guys! Welcome back to my Modern Nexus Video Series, where we take a deck in the format and run it through some matches on Magic Online. This week we have Grixis Control, my one true love, my pride and joy, my constant companion. Grixis Control is my favorite deck in Modern, and I'm surprised it took seven weeks before we featured it! Today we're playing Danny Jessup's 22nd place list from SCG Dallas, I hope you enjoy!
"Grixis Control, Danny Jessup (22nd Place – SCG Dallas 2015)"
Deck Tech
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
So, our results were pretty average, but I think we had that last round in the bag before our opponent drew really well. Overall I was impressed with the deck, it is full of powerful, synergistic cards that all attack from a different angle. Graveyard hate is definitely relevant against this deck, but not lights out like it is against something like Living End. If you have any comments, feel free to let me know below! I hope you guys enjoyed this week's videos and I'll see you next week for Episode 8!
Trevor Holmes
The_Architect on MTGO
Sweet deck! Have you abandoned the BW tokens idea?
Not yet! It’s on the list, stay tuned
So i’m really brewing on some sort of midrange control deck, what’s your opinion of adding white for lingering souls etc. as i’m in search for a new twist…
Considering you already have tonnes of ways to get back Pia and Kiran for tokens, I don’t think adding a fourth color for a token generator is that interesting.
LIngering Souls is definitely a great card, but the 4th color is also a real cost. I’m sure there are metagames where it could be feasible, but I would look to find ways to get by without adding a 4th color if possible
Hey architect! Big fan of the deck and the stream. I agree with missing the damnation, my number one complaint about Danny’s list is the lack of sweepers in the board. I don’t think staticaster is enough, especially with the increasing amount of zoo in the meta.
Thanks for the videos, Trevor. I was pretty conflicted watching your first match – though on the one hand I was sad to see Rest in Peace clean Grixis out (again), I was excited to see Allies getting some camera time and picking up a win. Everything else went more or less as expected (Twin is easy, Burn is tough). That said, the weakness to graveyard hate is still sticking in my craw a bit. Is there a way to mitigate that somewhat while still keeping the value train rolling? Or will you be forced to splash a 4th color/move on from the Grixis color combination? Because I don’t see how a deck that folds to graveyard hate as hard as your did in that Allies match (despite your initially not feeling you would) can truly be successful now that the secret’s out.
I never understood why these Grixis lists never played at least 2 Electrolyze….Similarly, I’ve found that Painful Truths is actually pretty good as a 1-2 of, but it does mean changing the mana base around a bit to be a bit less painful (which incidentally makes the mana base better imho).
Watched your video’s fr awhile and it seems like you’re making really poor sb choices. Match 1, rise/fall is so much better than staticaster and darkblast. It seems like you’re netdecking and not really going into the synergies of how the deck actually functions.
It’s possible that Staticaster and Darkblast don’t do enough, but Allies is too fast to the board for Rise/Fall on the draw I think. I could see playing one on the play, and I like buying back Pia and Kiran Nalaar going late. Nice suggestion.
As for netdecking, the series is about half brews and half tournament decks, so I don’t know what to say about that.
Seeing rise//fall getting some play makes me feel happy inside, i’m really happy this deck exists. It used to be that grixis saw no play in modern but thanks to tarkir block it has become another viable control deck, which i think modern is lacking.
Hopefully wizards print something int he future to make esper control more played.