Either way Drana is still inherently powerful, and I still continue to say it’s a quintessential Standard good mythic.
The other crux of my argument being that there’s just not much else in BFZ worthy of soaking up some of the value back.
]]>Right, and that is something I considered. I don’t know what the landscape will look like, but removing Mantis Rider/Roc at least narrows down what can get in Drana’s way.
]]>Mantis Rider to Drana feels like Flametongue Kavu to Lightning Angel/Shadowmage Infiltrator back in the day; one just completely trumps and ostracizes the other(s) out of the format.
I’ve also started acquiring Dranas, because they also fit a lot of the long-term markers: Mythic, casual creature type, Legendary, good, etc.
]]>I have, and the card isn’t bad. It’s just overshadowed largely by Mantis Rider.
B/R aggro is still a deck that gets played – albeit not as dominant but it’s by no means bad. If you want to take a look at some of the decklists:
The card has play, and even Saito deemed it worthy enough by bringing it to PT:BFZ.