Comments on: Insider: [MTGO] Short Selling, Part 3 – Short-Term Short Sales Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 02:17:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Justin Vickers Thu, 03 Dec 2015 17:58:04 +0000 In reply to Sylvain Lehoux.

the real problem with short sales is they have no ceiling. if you buy woodland bellower for 2 and it becomes 0 you lost 2 tickets. If you sell Jace for 30 and it goes to 200 you lost 170. That’s obviously an extreme example. But if your suggesting to borrow cards from a friend and they spike 10X you can be in real trouble when the friend wants his cards back

By: Sylvain Lehoux Thu, 03 Dec 2015 17:51:10 +0000 In reply to Justin Vickers.

The risks/bad parts are about the same as for any specs, you can’t be right all the time.
Short selling Jace a 30 Tix seemed a decent move at the time, although maybe a little bit too premature considering it could be played everywhere.

% wise the loss in not greater than buying 250 tix worth of Woodland Bellower at 1.5-2 Tix like I did while this guy is now around 0.5 Tix.

And as for any other specs you have two options: wait for better and take your loss and move on. One could argue that at least with short sales you have some cash you can work with waiting for prices to deflate. You may have totally made up for you losses with Jace with some Modern specs this past month. With my Bellower, I’m down and have no cash to play with in the meantime.

I would believe that jace is going to come to 30-40 sometimes this Winter or Spring. The speculative question is will Jace do that while the rest of your ORI retain some value so that you can sell full ORI set with some benefit?

Finally, Jace is a very extreme example as he spiked way over 30 Tix (unseen for core set mythic) and therefore suck up more than half of the value of the set.

By: Justin Vickers Thu, 03 Dec 2015 17:36:09 +0000 I was kind of hoping you would address the bad parts of short selling as well. Several people here(including me) sold jace, VP at 30 during the first spike, only to see a much bigger spike to 60. Now we are stuck with sets that are 99% complete and facing a 30 tik loss to be able to redeem. Short selling can be a great tool, but it is not for everyone.
