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It's not everyday that you see a casual card completely explode, though new Commander releases can cause this to happen. In case you missed it, Reiterate has climbed from a low-end rare to one of the more expensive cards from Time Spiral.
Reiterate has always been a popular EDH card, but this spike is tied directly to the newly released Mizzix of the Izmagnus. Buylist prices for the card haven't made any serious corrections yet, and I would definitely avoid buying into the card for any serious percentage of the current TCGPlayer price, and I would be looking to unload these if I had any.
No one is getting $25 for this card. Usually a card settles in between its pre-spike price ($5ish) and its highest spike where it stops selling ($25) so I’d say it will be $10-$12
100% correct. That’s exactly where this ended up. Buylists didn’t move that much, but enough to at least provide some floor above what they were before the spike.
I’m assuming this was based on Mizzix.
That’s the range that copies have started showing up on TCGPlayer for, though buylists are still low relative to that price.