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If this turns out to be true, this will easily be the greatest thing that I've ever seen on Reddit. User jobs141910 is offering 90.5 BTC (valued at over $37,000) for one player qualified for the next Modern PT to play a deck centered around the card Seance.
The user is not disclosing their motivation for this bizarre offer, though when you think about the numbers for any amount of time it's clear that this is not somebody trying to raise the price of Seance for personal gain, as this method is both not guaranteed to change the price of the card and would require selling many thousands of copies to recoup the value of the BTC paid out.
Using Escrow for the transfer of funds is a non-negotiable factor for the offer. This looks to be some kind of wacky social experiment, and I'm really hoping that somebody bites.
I think the problem is when EVERYONE bites. If I were still a pro I would auto put 1 in my sideboard
I was actually reading about this on reddit yesterday, and it’s definitely got to be a deck built around seance.
As the article states he mentions in his offer that he wants to talk to the pro to ensure that seance is a key element to the deck so sadly no 1 of sideboard action for ~37k