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After the release day, every set is going to lose some of its value.
This is well known by players as well as investors, but how much value has been lost by the last sets? Which of them is holding more value? How many rare cards are worth buying?
Discover this and other useful data with our new infographic!
I like the info graph, really neat. My only question is that your dragons of tarkir summary says it is the only set where the rares are more valuable than mythics, but doesn’t khans have that also?
What do you define as “Full Set Value”? Is it simply the sum of the value of every card in the set? If so, isn’t that biased against Fate Reforged, which is the only small set in that comparison. A much better comparison point from set to set would be the Expected Value of a Booster Box (though the average value for each rarity helps).