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Oath of the Gatewatch is finally here! With prereleases starting up later today, we've released our ever-popular price guide. Everything listed in them is $1 or more. Nothing unlisted is worth anything (except the Expeditions, obviously). OGW is shaping up to be a much more interesting set than BFZ. I'm excited to see playable colorless and devoid cards. We'll see if wacky brews like Pat Chapin's see any success.
Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler (Alphabetically sorted)
Oath of the Gatewatch Spoiler (Price sorted)
If you're an Insider, I've got a special little treat. I did a recap of the gainers and losers of BFZ. If you want to see what you should have picked up (and what you would have lost big on), check out our recap article here. Also strictly for Insiders, Ryan Overturf has a great article this morning on the best cards to get from OGW (and what to dump).