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We're seeing an uncommonly diverse Standard format, coming off a Pro Tour with eight distinct archetypes in the Top 8. Brewers and grinders are hard at work tuning decks and debuting new archetypes. In the midst of all this movement, several cards with lower price tags are primed to jump as they get adopted into more winning decklists.
Here are the best cards I can recommend picking up right now.
Eldrazi Displacer
Eldrazi Displacer fell from grace with the banning of the Modern U/W Eldrazi deck, but Standard rotation has breathed new life into the card.
It’s played in Standard Eldrazi decks of all sorts, most often B/W, but recently mono-white and even blue-white versions have been successful. It’s also making its way into other archetypes, like Bant Company. It has also spawned a new variation of the B/G Aristocrats deck that combines it with Brood Monitor to create an infinite loop and a game-winning combination with Zulaport Cutthroat in play.
The card will only grow more popular from here, and it has a long life left in Standard, so now is the time to buy. It has seen massive growth on Magic Online in the last week, but the paper price lags behind, so there is some indication the price is overdue for an increase.
Dragonlord Silumgar
Westvale Abbey transforming into Ormendahl, Profane Prince is one of the biggest problems confronting black decks in Standard. Those that also play white get plenty of answers, but decks like Grixis and Sultai and left without such clean solutions. Enter Dragonlord Silumgar, which takes the threat for its own use.
It’s a tremendous swing, and if the opponent can’t deal with the dragon, which they likely can’t given it dodges most of the removal spells in the format, it’s sure to end the game. Dragonlord Silumgar is also an ideal solution to planeswalkers, which can give black control decks issues.
Olivier Tiu played two copies in his GP Toronto Top 8 Grixis Control deck, and it was part of Lombardi’s winning Esper Control deck. There is also a growing movement of Sultai decks including the Dragon.
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger was once over $30, and now it’s just half that price. The card is seeing increased play in both Standard and Modern, and it’s primed for growth.
The price has declined in part due to a drastic decrease in Standard use, but the trend has reversed. It’s seeing play in a new version of R/G Ramp being popularized by Sam Black and Justin Cohen, and it’s been successful in a blue ramp deck having success on MTGO. It is also part of Joe Lossett’s Tron deck that finished second in the recent SCG Modern Open, which is indication it’s going to be a big player in the metagame at Modern Grands Prix this month.
Oath of Nissa
Oath of Nissa was called the green Ponder, but it has been slow to earn the title. Rotation has been good for it, and the enchantment is earning slots in green decks all sorts.
There are many great creatures, planeswalkers, and even nonbasic lands to find, and synergies to create. The consistency provided by Oath of Nissa is invaluable to the decks that include it. I am seeing it played more often than ever before, and its presence will only increase from here.
The Gitrog Monster
The Gitrog Monster was far too awkward for a format dominated by Mono-White Humans and Bant Company, but it’s great in a format where control decks and midrange are taking over, which looks to be the case in Standard. The ability to draw extra cards is great, and the huge body means it is both well-protected from removal and a huge threat.
I’ve been seeing the card more often lately, and the price has trended upwards online over the past few days. I expect the paper price will begin to follow suit.
Ulvenwald Hydra
Ulvenwald Hydra was heavily hyped and once spiked to over $12, but now it’s down under $4 at an all-time low. Last weekend it was seen being played as a four-of in the R/G deck of Sam Black and Justin Cohen, and if this deck becomes popular the price of Ulvenwald Hydra is going to see sharp rise.
An increase in the hydra also means an increase in utility lands, so that means something like Mirrorpool, which can create a chain of Ulvenwald Hydras, could be a great buy as well.
Oath of the Gatewatch Eldrazis
The Eldrazi have been cold since the banning, and they didn’t make a huge impact immediately after the Standard rotation, nor at the Pro Tour. Their prices have been slowly and steadily decreasing, but they are beginning to see more Standard play so demand is rising. The online price of these cards reflects that, but paper prices are still lagging behind.
Secure the Wastes
The MTGO price of Secure the Wastes shot up from just over 7 tix at the end of April to over 13 tix this week. The increase is a natural response to an upsurge in its numbers being played competitively.
It’s played in the G/W Tokens decks, which is quickly growing into the most popular deck in the format, but it’s also being used in black-white decks of all sorts. It’s notable for its ability to enable Westvale Abbey, and that interaction is an additional factor driving up the the price.
Chord of Calling
Finally, we have a bonus Modern-based spec. Abzan Company won the SCG Modern Open with other copies not far behind, and Chord of Calling continues to be a key card in the deck. It’s going to be a big player at the Modern Grands Prix this month, and demand is going to increase. Big finishes there could increase exposure and cause a spike.
Those are the cards I'm targeting right now. Anything glaring you think I missed? Any amazing tech you think will hit it big in Standard soon? Let me know in the comments, and thanks for reading.
No mention of Nissa, Voice of Zendikar? Probably the best or second best planeswalker in the format in the best deck in the format (GW tokens). She is 15 which is basically where she was pre rotation. We have already seen that OGW mythics can spike absurdly.
Also of note, the Mythic is from a set with another year in standard or so, as opposed to the soonish to rotate rare.
Yeah Ryan and myself have been talking about Nissa VoZ *a lot* I can’t see it hovering around $15 forever.
Yeah not from a set that has already proved “mythics in this set that see play break $25”. And she appears to be for the third week in a row showing at the GP that GW tokens is the best deck in the format.