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The big summer special set is here, and we've got the prices for it. Below are links to PDFs for the alphabetically sorted and price sorted guides. We eliminated everything that isn't at least $1 to make it all concise.
Eternal Masters Cheatsheet - Price Ranked
Eternal Masters Cheatsheet - Alphabetically Ranked
We don't have foil prices yet - that's because we believe that most prices on the foils are dramatically higher than they will end up. For example, Daze is currently preselling for $62 as a foil. My reference is Spell Snare, which is $23 for the original foil and $16 for the Modern Masters one. We believe that these prices will drop precipitously, ending up being worth 3x to 5x the non-foil version. Trade away your foils at a 5x multiplier this weekend (if you can) and if you want to get some, we suggest waiting a week or so.
I think having TCG low prices without including shipping costs is very misleading, especially for the $2-10 cards. Please reconsider using this price as your metric.
Why would tcg mid be more reliable, owing to those cards also having to be shipped?
What about foils?
Foils not stable as of now.
Can’t you use the market price or were these not avaliable yet at the moment of making the price guide.