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Should I buy a box?
This is one of the first questions most players ask themselves when a new set comes out. Many buy boxes to draft with friends or for the sake of opening boosters---and that's totally fine!
But what about those of us evaluating the purchase from a financial perspective? The common wisdom here on QS is that a box should be bought, opened and all cards sold within the first days after the release, otherwise you'll start losing your money.
But Eternal Masters is something totally new. While we have the previous experience of Modern Masters and Modern Masters 2015, this time the reprints center around a format with a narrower playerbase. How will the market react?
In the future I plan to release one of these infographics for each set release, breaking down the expected value contained within. Hopefully you'll find them as useful as I do, so keep an eye out for the next one on Eldritch Moon!
Are these 15 card boosters with a land, as standard sets are, or are they 15 card boosters without a land totaling 360 in a box? I don’t remember getting a land in MM2015.
Always enjoy these! Thanks!
Thanks Robert, I fixed it. EMA boosters contains 1 rare/mythic, 3 uncommon, 10 common and 1 foil (instead of the “regular” land) so the box count is 360
I’m excited to see how my box report will match up with this info.
I’m at GPprague and at my first booster had a foil Mana Crypt. Wish you the same luck!
Beautiful design and presentation!
Thanks so much! Keep following and feel free to contact me for any ideas or suggestions