
Insider: Expected Value of an EMA Box [UPDATE]

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Two weeks ago we talked about the Expected Value of a box of Eternal Masters. One of our caveats was that EV is a predictive exercise that requires the buyer to open the box and sell the cards in a specific way. Plus we were facing quite the novel reprint set. There's new art, nonexisting foil versions, and---above all---an unknown audience of potential players and buyers.

So, what now? Days have passed, drafts and box openings are flooding the market... What about our EV? It seems that our first predictions were pretty accurate. Check out the revised breakdown below!

QS_201606 D EMA box EV - UPDATE-01

QS_201606 D EMA box EV - UPDATE-02

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Diego Fumagalli

I have played Magic since Revised edition, a hobby that has followed me my entire life. I recently started creating infographics and using data visualization--a great game deserves a great communication tool!

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Posted in Expected Value, Finance, Free Insider, Infographic, Visualizing Magic

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