Comments on: Insider: Preparing for Kaladesh Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 18 Jan 2022 02:12:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Cottee Tue, 16 Aug 2016 13:25:38 +0000 Im interested in the possibility of Battlements giving Emerge creatures Haste as you are more likely to have enough mana around to do this.

By: Ryan Overturf Fri, 12 Aug 2016 19:38:38 +0000 In reply to Chason Parker.

It’s not just the heavy opening, but it’s also that you have a small set of cards with high price tags. An in print set can only hold so much value, and having cards that just maintain value as other cards are opened and sold off causes the rest of the stuff to be worth less on average than in other sets.

By: Chason Parker Fri, 12 Aug 2016 16:35:50 +0000 In reply to David Schumann.

So, is the expedition effect just the concept that a set is opened heavily because it contains staples, or does it mean something else?

By: Ryan Overturf Fri, 12 Aug 2016 13:13:21 +0000 In reply to David Schumann.

Maybe so, but it’s hard to define it exactly. If Sylvan Advocate is from Oath and it is definitely being suppressed by the Expedition effect. It’s in like every deck and it’s barely over $5!

By: Ryan Overturf Fri, 12 Aug 2016 13:11:46 +0000 In reply to Adam Kaplan.

You are so very right. Still like the pick though.

By: David Schumann Fri, 12 Aug 2016 13:03:55 +0000 I like the analysis. One counter-point though, while I agree wholeheartedly with the “expedition effect” on BFZ, I don’t think it’s nearly as big on Oath. With WoTC putting both the shocks AND fetches all in BFZ there was a HUGE demand to crack BFZ to get them. Oath got the short end of the stick with it’s expeditions (though not terrible, they just didn’t have the demand that the main mana base on modern did).

By: Adam Kaplan Fri, 12 Aug 2016 11:34:43 +0000 Mindbender and Deep-Fiend arent devoid cards

By: Kelly Reid Fri, 12 Aug 2016 09:29:47 +0000 Corrupted Crossroads is my pick of the article. SO CHEAP for such a good effect…
