If I may take that one:
– Graded Power is useless to players, they need to crack, which is a waste of the grading premium. They’ll probably just get a cheaper ungraded copy.
– Lower graded Power is useless to collectors: why settle for something less pretty? Usually collectors aim for a 9 or 9.5.
– Higher graded Power only has a limited audience, namely collectors who can afford it who also don’t already have it. If you’re one of those people, why didn’t you buy say 1-2 years ago when prices were significantly lower? (Most of them have likely been around for a very long time).
Basically the only audience for graded Power is people who are worried about authenticity, people who pick up underpriced graded cards when they spike or people who are just getting into the collecting game. The first group is likely to trust a big store like SCG on ungraded Power, the second group tends to rarely exist and the third group is probably limited to a few people per year (at the Power level of collecting).
I personally own a single graded piece of Power (a Beta Twister) and picking it up was mostly a matter of opportunity where the price seemed fair, I could use credit to get it and I was still missing the card for my full set of Power. I wouldn’t hesitate to crack it if I have a use for the card and at 8.5 it’s probably not a big loss to collectors (it’s got 8, 9, 9, 9.5, I’m not too bothered by centering issues but do like my cards to look pretty).
]]>True. But Eldrazi Shops is absolutely a thing. https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/459999#online
]]>That is my thinking too. I am just waiting for the other foot to drop.