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Welcome back investors! As I'm writing this, I'm struggling with the last Magic Online update and already missed a few investments I would have liked to make. Fortunately, it's a coincidence that prices haven't changed much in the last two days - it's been a bearish week - but this trend will change soon with the release of Kaladesh. This is the best moment to stock up on Standard cards before they start to rise because of the new metagame and the new demand it will create. With that in mind, this week I will cover exclusive Standard cards.
Let's check the five cards I have for this episode:
Nahiri, the Harbinger
Thalia's Lieutenant
The best card in the Humans deck is at it all time low, both because of increased Limited offerings and because investors don't think the deck it fits in is very good right now. We can't know for sure what new decks will be played, and if at any point of the new Standard the deck is played or Thalia's Lieutenant finds a new home in another deck the price will rebound. Shadows Over Innistrad will be legal in Standard with Kaladesh and the next three sets to be released, so there's a long time to wait for a spike.
Verdict: BUY
Thought-Knot Seer
Distended Mindbender
Chandra, Flamecaller
Though she was cost 25 tix, Chandra, Flamecaller is not doing very well these days. Sitting at a dirt cheap 7.25, I still think she is one of the best sweepers in the new meta and is still an overall powerful card. I think she will bounce back to 10+ tix sooner rather than later. A great pre-Pro Tour speculation in my opinion.
Verdict: BUY
See you in the next episode! If you want me to write about a particular card just mention it in the comments below. Wish you a great week!
I like these picks! It’s a good time to be aggressive in Standard singles.