
Stock Watch- Puresteel Paladin

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With the printing of Sram, Senior Edificer, some people are excited to play "Cheerios" in Modern. It's a combo deck that has existed though has never been terribly competitive for some time that wins by casting a lot of 0-mana equipment and drawing tons of cards. It has consistency issues, and was seriously vulnerable, though Sram at least gives you eight copies of Puresteel Paladin.

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Make no mistake- this deck loses to removal, counterspells, discard, and even slight gusts of wind. It's just a cool thing with a casual following. The hype around Sram has caused Puresteel Paladin to jump from $5 to $10+, though I wouldn't be concerned about not owning these as a Modern player.

I don't expect any further immediate growth on this card, and would expect more copies to be put up for sale with the new inflated price point. Now is a great time to sell before too many Modern tournaments occur and the deck continues to do nothing of note.

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Ryan Overturf

Ryan has been playing Magic since Legions and playing competitively since Lorwyn. While he fancies himself a Legacy specialist, you'll always find him with strong opinions on every constructed format.

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