Comments on: The Shadow Over Modern Play More, Win More, Pay Less Sat, 15 Jul 2017 08:27:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: chief_yifan Sat, 15 Jul 2017 08:27:55 +0000 In reply to Jason Schousboe.


By: Jason Schousboe Wed, 12 Jul 2017 16:48:35 +0000 In reply to chief_yifan.

Yes, that would be fine! Please just make sure you credit us with a link back to the site or the like.

By: chief_yifan Wed, 12 Jul 2017 04:19:34 +0000 Hi! Your idea about shadow inspired me so much so I’m wondering if I can translate your article on a chinese website? I hope I can share this article to more people 🙂

By: Victor Platt Wed, 28 Jun 2017 18:58:39 +0000 I don’t think Grixis Death Shadow oppressive just as usual the people complaining have the loudest voice. As a storm player I actually feel like I have a much worst match up in abzan mid range and 4 color death shadow. If anything modern needs an unban not a ban r I think the madcap emperion plan is bad really bad. Any sideboard plan that takes up so many spots is bad IMO. I don’t like leyline of sanctity in the board for the same reason. It doesn’t sure up bad matches for the most part. Going more in on the Empty the warrens plan is better. it can be a lot faster and 8-12 goblins on turn 2 is enough to beat most decks without mass removal. I have been testing out postmortem lunge, but haven’t gotten enough games to try it out yet.

By: SOU Organization Wed, 28 Jun 2017 17:01:12 +0000 In reply to Jordan Corgatelli.

Splinter Twin had lots of cards that were the same across all decks too. Pestermite, Exarch, and Twin was about 10 cards, but they usually ran a lot more similar cards as well like counterspells and bolt. So Twin decks actually looked more similar than Shadow decks.

As far as playing against interaction goes… I’m sorry you don’t like interaction, but keep in mind most people enjoy interactive Magic the most. Having a goodstuff midrange deck at the top is my idea of an ideal metagame. Really the only valid argument for a Shadow related banning is metagame percentage, which I would guess is around 20% for banning, because although Twin was lower the primary reason for its banning was to shake up the upcoming Pro Tour.

By: Rj Gaskill Wed, 28 Jun 2017 05:04:08 +0000 So i have a few questions:
1- is it fair to compare a deaths shadow banning to miracles as miracles was supposed to have been banned for the poor tournament organizers rather than format health?
2- where do you draw the line between a format being inbred to combat an archetype and a healthy format with a fairly solved best deck?
I don’t feel like deaths shadow is good enough at the moment to justify a banning. As for counters company, I have been playing the bant knightfall version and the number of times that my opponents will kill a devoted druid over a knight of the reliquary is astounding. That version seems more resilient than the current abzan build.

By: Darcy Hartwick Tue, 27 Jun 2017 23:11:38 +0000 Arent decks always going to “warp” around the most competitive decks? I really think if youre going to have any bantalk about ds then you need to bust out the criteria here and ask what its breaking. Your foray into people having to play decks that can deal with ds seems obvious. If your deck cant handle ds, eldrazi, coco and burn you’re probably in trouble.

And while you tell us to forget the fact there were zero ds decks in a top 8 that seems a little rich. Im pretty sure constant top 8s were a big part of the rationale in the twin ban (loathe as I am to use that as a good yardstick).

Isnt grixis shadow just the new jund? Fair interactive deck with game vs everything. Disruption and card advantage with cheap efficient beatsticks. Tough to hate out via sideboard.

By: David Ernenwein Tue, 27 Jun 2017 21:59:20 +0000 In reply to David Ekstam.

Not as much as you think. The delve creatures are gone as is the Snapcaster Mage value plan but the Delver-esqe plan of riding Shadow itself is intact, and since that is often their plan A anyway they still get there a lot of the time. Going long yes, Leyline is huge game but for that initial few turns it may not matter.

By: Aaron Elias Newbom Tue, 27 Jun 2017 21:55:06 +0000 In reply to David Ekstam.

In my experience grave hat eis good against them but hardly backbreaking. It’s much better against the jund version.

definitely worth bringing in but hardly lights out

By: Aaron Elias Newbom Tue, 27 Jun 2017 21:54:11 +0000 In reply to erikander93.

As a non storm player but someone who has fought storm many times, I’ll say I’ve never had problems dealing with the warrens plan, but emperion would be very tough me post board when I bring in s ton of hate

That’s just my two cents

But it definitely loses points against any white deck

By: Aaron Elias Newbom Tue, 27 Jun 2017 21:52:32 +0000 In reply to Jordan Corgatelli.

Sounds like you just don’t like fighting black based control.

Some people hate countermagic, some hate hand control.

I hate fighting planeswalkers. Idk why it just bothers the hell out of me.

Thoughtseize is a very very very fair card. It’s pretty hard to be salty about it on a logical basis but I get where you’re coming from

By: David Ekstam Tue, 27 Jun 2017 20:39:22 +0000 Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t grixis shadow simply break down against leyline of the void?

By: erikander93 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 17:17:41 +0000 Your worst matchups for Storm are generally Jund, Grixis, Burn, and D&T strategies. Emperion is really good against burn if you can ritual into a Madcap quickly, but those other decks all have nice answers to the Emperion in addition to disrupting your main strategy. You’d be better off running a sb plan with Empty the Warrens as the focus. It allows you to go off with far fewer resources, so it’s great against discard/counterspells, and also avoids GY hate. And Empty is really excellent against the Shadow decks in particular

By: Jordan Corgatelli Tue, 27 Jun 2017 17:03:14 +0000 When splinter twin got banned, there were four versions of it: UR twin, jeskai twin, tasigur twin, and temur twin, of the four, only one played Thoughtseize.
Today death’s shadow has abzan, grixis, jund, and esper. And guess what? Every. Single. One. Of them plays four Thoughtseize, but it doesn’t stop there, they also play 2-4 copies of Inquisition of Kozilek as well. This is in a nutshell why I would rather play against splinter twin over death’s shadow. I’m fine with decks having two of the following: targeted hand disruption, removal, and countermagic, but I cannot stand any deck that runs all three.
