]]>Yes, that would be fine! Please just make sure you credit us with a link back to the site or the like.
]]>Splinter Twin had lots of cards that were the same across all decks too. Pestermite, Exarch, and Twin was about 10 cards, but they usually ran a lot more similar cards as well like counterspells and bolt. So Twin decks actually looked more similar than Shadow decks.
As far as playing against interaction goes… I’m sorry you don’t like interaction, but keep in mind most people enjoy interactive Magic the most. Having a goodstuff midrange deck at the top is my idea of an ideal metagame. Really the only valid argument for a Shadow related banning is metagame percentage, which I would guess is around 20% for banning, because although Twin was lower the primary reason for its banning was to shake up the upcoming Pro Tour.
]]>And while you tell us to forget the fact there were zero ds decks in a top 8 that seems a little rich. Im pretty sure constant top 8s were a big part of the rationale in the twin ban (loathe as I am to use that as a good yardstick).
Isnt grixis shadow just the new jund? Fair interactive deck with game vs everything. Disruption and card advantage with cheap efficient beatsticks. Tough to hate out via sideboard.
]]>Not as much as you think. The delve creatures are gone as is the Snapcaster Mage value plan but the Delver-esqe plan of riding Shadow itself is intact, and since that is often their plan A anyway they still get there a lot of the time. Going long yes, Leyline is huge game but for that initial few turns it may not matter.
]]>In my experience grave hat eis good against them but hardly backbreaking. It’s much better against the jund version.
definitely worth bringing in but hardly lights out
]]>As a non storm player but someone who has fought storm many times, I’ll say I’ve never had problems dealing with the warrens plan, but emperion would be very tough me post board when I bring in s ton of hate
That’s just my two cents
But it definitely loses points against any white deck
]]>Sounds like you just don’t like fighting black based control.
Some people hate countermagic, some hate hand control.
I hate fighting planeswalkers. Idk why it just bothers the hell out of me.
Thoughtseize is a very very very fair card. It’s pretty hard to be salty about it on a logical basis but I get where you’re coming from