Comments on: Unlocked Insider: How Play Points Have Changed MTGO Drafting Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 27 Feb 2018 14:05:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kyle Rusciano Tue, 20 Jun 2017 02:43:34 +0000 In reply to Andrew Stephens.

I think it will help! I was very happy when they announced that masterpieces will no longer be in every set.

By: Andrew Stephens Wed, 14 Jun 2017 10:30:48 +0000 Feels like a lot of these numbers will change now that every set isn’t going to include masterpieces?

By: Kyle Rusciano Mon, 12 Jun 2017 21:36:30 +0000 In reply to Sebastian Nuñez.

Thank you. Glad to have joined the QS community and I look forward to producing quality content!

It used to be as simple as you suggest – the law of supply and demand is a “law” for a reason – but now we have many different layers that affect these prices. We have playpoints, we have treasure chests, we have a $25 redemption tax depressing card prices far more than the old $5 redemption tax, online booster packs are no longer the same as paper booster packs because online booster packs have no Masterpieces. The value of an AKH booster pack is severed from the value of the cards contained inside in a way that a KTK booster pack was not severed from the value of the cards it contained inside.

I think this severance is enabled by the fact that the vast majority of cards are opened through drafting online.

By: Kyle Rusciano Mon, 12 Jun 2017 21:12:20 +0000 In reply to David Schumann.

Keep in mind that a redeemed set is precisely a redeemed set – it includes a single copy of every card, including a copy of every mythic. It takes 3.33 boxes, on average, to get 1 of each mythic. One of the major bot dealers on MTGO estimates that between 2,000-3,000 sets are redeemed each week. Thus, for the mythics, which is the most valuable subsection of any given set, this is the equivalent of opening 6,700-10,000 boxes each week.

Stores have made it a practice of redeeming sets from MTGO instead of buying paper boxes. Redeeming sets has been a go-to method for keeping a store’s singles supplies well-stocked once a set stops being drafted. I don’t have a high degree of confidence that this is a major reason why Wizards is curtailing redemption (and possibly trying to end redemption entirely), but it might be a factor.

Thank you for the welcome. It is much appreciated 🙂

By: Kyle Rusciano Mon, 12 Jun 2017 20:53:06 +0000 In reply to Matthew Lewis.

The phenomenon you describe was, I think, more important for Constructed players than for Limited players. The major determinant of booster prices back then was the value of the cards contained inside the boosters (buttressed, of course, by redemption). Once playpoints were introduced, and especially once treasure chests were introduced, boosters’ values became tied most closely to the ‘experience of drafting’ than to the value of cards found inside. That is why you see the decline seen in my first chart. This effect is even more pronounced in Amonkhet. Boosters are costing around $3.33 now and the set’s value is roughly $40-$45 online. I should probably write an article examining Amonkhet using the same tools of analysis.

It is hard to discuss any of this without ultimately going back to the Redemption fee change. The old structure would only subsidize drafters at the expense of constructed players if demand for the cards was lower than for the drafting experience itself. Redemption helps prevent that from ever happening. I suspect that the reason booster prices were so low had less to do with Constructed players subsidizing Limited players and more to do with the Redemption fee change depressing card prices online.

I admit that I might be underestimating this effect. It is very very difficult to quantify and almost impossible to get a hard data-driven answer for you.

Glad you enjoyed reading my article. I look forward to writing for you in the future!

By: Sebastian Nuñez Mon, 12 Jun 2017 19:32:11 +0000 I was about to ask why there wasn’t another MTGO finance writer, so I am glad you joined the crew!

I think this article is very interesting, but there is something I don’t understand. Supposedly, price of boosters and EV should move alike, right? If the PP introduction made boosters indeed scarcer, so should be the cards within them, thus resulting in higher prices for the singles as well as the boosters. Your research is saying otherwise, what I am missing?

By: Sebastian Nuñez Mon, 12 Jun 2017 19:14:49 +0000 In reply to David Schumann.

I was also kind of skeptical of the THS EV, but considering that KTK had fetches and the next blocks had MS, maybe EV in THS is high because there is not such “value hoarder”

By: David Schumann Mon, 12 Jun 2017 16:31:38 +0000 Welcome aboard. I don’t really play MTGO at all, but I enjoyed this article because it applied statistical tools to make it’s argument. I am very surprised that Theros had such a high pack EV given that the best card to pull was Thoughtseize and the next best was likely one of the Gods, Khans makes sense thanks to fetchlands.

I was a little confused by this statement regarding print run size “they might worry that redemption reduces the amount Standard-legal product being bought” only because we have seen massive paper print runs for these sets as well, so it doesn’t seem correct that large “MTGO print runs” hurt the paper market if the paper market itself also had a massive print run.

By: Matthew Lewis Mon, 12 Jun 2017 16:17:55 +0000 How did the changes to constructed prizes affect limited? ‘Cheap’ drafts were largely the result of ‘Expensive’ constructed events I believe. Constructed players would enter events and they would convert their entry fees into boosters. Tix went in, and boosters came out. It was this supply of boosters that contributed to bringing booster prices down over time, so drafters were being subsidized by constructed players. I think your analysis would do better by considering this effect.

Thanks for writing your article, it’s always great to read MTGO content.
