Appreciate your honest and thorough feedback. I’m glad you appreciated the article and its transparency.
Before you finalize your judgment of this site and its services, I’d encourage you to join active discussion in the Discord chat if you haven’t already. To me, that service is a gamechanger and it really highlights how the QS community works together in a space that appears to be competitive from an outside viewer’s perspective. You’d be surprised how much we help each other out in there. I wrote about some of the benefits with some specific examples last week if you’re curious to take a quick read through.
Thanks again!
]]>About the article, while I’m not especially happy with more people being in the arbitrage game as I myself am in the infant stages of entering said arena, but it’s reality and I have to adapt or move on. I applaud Sig loudly for at least doing what he believes in and writing about things, like Stu mentions, that are the cream of the crop of money making MTG opportunities that none else will. Thanks for that Sig.
]]>It’s my job to write about sweet stuff! If I kept it all to myself, I’d be a very hypocritical writer and I wouldn’t pass my own sniff test.
This is the best thing I can find in the world of arbitrage these days. At least that’s easily accessible. Sure, there are apparently European opportunities galore but I have been looking for them and they aren’t as readily apparent to me. If you got ideas, please share :).
]]>I do things a little differently. I understand arbitrage opportunities are shortlived when they go public, but this is my job. I am paid to help others make money from MTG or minimally make the hobby more affordable to them. Even if it’s at a detriment to my own opportunities, it is still worth it to me to spread the word.
This could lead to more RL buyouts, but they’ll be much more difficult with these higher-print run cards. So I don’t think they’ll be nearly as exciting or lasting.
I saw Tokyo MTG was doing a sale on Old School cards, I assume that’s what you took advantage of. Glad it worked out for you!
Thanks for the comment!
]]>Rule #2: Write about the still sweet but slightly less absurdly good thing
]]>Other arbitrage opportunities are changes you predict for the future and by promoting them you encourage others to also put their money in, causing the opportunity to happen, as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I identified my first arbitrage opportunity in about ’98-’99 and it’s been around much longer. Funnily Tokyo MTG recently had a sale that led to quite interesting discounts on Beta cards, so I placed a big order with them.