Comments on: Seeing the Spectrum: Is Modern More Unfair? Play More, Win More, Pay Less Fri, 20 Apr 2018 00:54:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: D.j. Jackson Fri, 20 Apr 2018 00:54:42 +0000 I would like to thank Dave for his continued contributions. I view each article he writes for us as a gift. We know he has a job, a family, and aspirations to compete in Magic events, and yet with all these demands he has also undertaken to provide insights and entertainment to us on a regular schedule. This earns him both my respect and admiration.
I am motivated to share these thoughts by the comments of earlier writers expressing the view that they failed to see how the question was interesting, or that this article was too much like a previous one. If I overheard friends or family complaining to someone who had just gifted them that it could have been better, I would be appalled. I would try to show them that such complaints are insensitive, and callous, as they devalue the thought, time and effort that the gifter has invested.
Regarding the article on “fairness”, Dave illuminates an essential point, that there is a spectrum of fairness and unfairness, and that there is a middle ground where the game plan of a deck incorporates both fair and unfair elements, so that the categorization is ambiguous. In order to progress in this direction, we need to agree on a means to quantify each deck, and assign an unambiguous value, so that the results for decks with a fairness of 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, and 0.2 and be compared and analyzed.
I think that we also need to recognize that “unfair” has become a catch-all term for decks that operate on many different axis, and that many decks can be “fair” on one axis, and “unfair” on another. As an example, many people consider Burn an unfair deck because its primary means of killing does not use combat damage, and the many cards that remove or block creatures are not useful. In contrast, the Storm deck that deals lethal combat damage by creating a very large number of creatures by “going-off” in one explosive turn with Empty the Warrens is still not a fair deck. It is just unfair in a different dimension. Additionally, “unfair” has a negative connotation that is undeserved. It is “unfair” to stigmatize players who choose to circumvent expected interaction by using perfectly legal, albeit unconventional, mechanics. So as our understanding deepens, I would like to supplant “unfair” with terms that are more descriptive and precise.
I would like expand on concepts explained by Sean Brown in his excellent article “The Unfair Mana Base”, which MTGGoldfish shared with those of us on this continent on 30-Mar-18. Sean’s breakthrough is that “fair” decks are going to have to sculpt their mana curve to “curve-out” efficiently, and that this leaves a recognizable imprint on the mana demands that their cards make. On the other hand, “unfair” decks need to accommodate the specific needs of their combo, and “curving-out” needs to be subservient, and this leaves a different imprint on the mana demands that their cards make. Sean uses the well-studied, and widely used Gini Coefficient, from economics, to construct what he calls the Mana Uneven Index (MUI). Applying his concepts requires recognizing that the actual mana cost of specific cards differs from their CMC. Snapcaster Mage is almost never a two mana card, because you want to use its ability to flashback a 1 or 2 mana spell, so that its actual mana cost is 3 or 4. Grapeshot in a UR Storm build is not a 1 mana spell, because you only intend to play it after you have already cast 14 one-mana spells, so that it is actually a fifteen-mana spell. With these and similar adjustments, one can calculate a value for each deck’s MUI. I have calculated the MUI for a number of modern decks, and classified them as Even, Uneven, or Delayed.
Deck MUI Type
GW Bogles 0.17 Even
5C Humans 0.19 Even
Burn 0.19 Even
Jeskai Tempo 0.24 Even
BBE Jund 0.25 Even
RG Ponza 0.27 Delayed
Eldrazi Tron 0.28 Delayed
BR Hollow One 0.28 Delayed
UW Control 0.29 Delayed
Grixis Death’s Shadow 0.29 Delayed
Living End 0.39 Uneven
Affinity 0.39 Uneven
Jeskai Control 0.40 Uneven
GR Tron 0.40 Uneven
RG Valakut 0.40 Uneven
Counters Company 0.44 Uneven
Gifts Storm 0.45 Uneven
Ad Nauseam 0.49 Uneven

The decks with an MUI less than or equal to 0.25 correspond to what we think of as “fair” decks, in that they are “curving-out” there mana requirements. The linear, aggro decks GW Bogles, 5C Humans, and Burn are here. Dave identified Bogles as Ambiguous, rather than Fair, but in regards to its mana requirements, it is low to the ground and does not distort its mana needs to accommodate a combo, so it is an “Even” deck, regardless of whether it is “fair” or not.
The decks with MUI greater than 0.38 are Uneven. These decks are capable of winning, in one explosive turn, from what might appear to be a losing position. The usual suspects are here, Living End, Affinity, Tron, Valakut, Storm, and Ad Nauseam. Counters Company can make infinite mana, search its deck for Walking Ballista, and kill you on the spot, so it is no surprise that it shows up here as well. Jeskai Control may seem out of place, but the combination of zero mana Ancestral Vision, and Emrakul, the Aeons Torn create a large MUI, and cheating Emrakul, the Aeons Torn with Nahiri, the Harbinger provides the “Oops, I win” combo that we expect from “unfair” decks. So, in my opinion, it belongs in this company.
The “Delayed” category includes the decks that utilize zero mana cards, and/or some large mana cards, that delay the mana requirements of the deck, and inflate the MUI. These decks will start out with a “Fair” game, but are attempting to leverage a game resource to end the game. RG Ponza is trying to ramp into big spells, Grixis Shadow is leveraging its life into a giant creature, UW Control plays a Sphinx’s Revelation and an Ulamog, the Ceasless Hunger, which inflate the MUI, but give it a long game. Eldrazi Tron is not Gx Tron. It plays fewer large creatures and more creatures at the four and five mana slots, so its MUI comes in at an intermediate value, and I expect that we agree that it loses some of the inevitability of Gx Tron as a result. But it is ramping into relatively powerful creatures that will take over the game if given enough time. GR Hollow One also appears here, mostly because in this deck, Hollow One is not a 5-mana spell, but more typically a 1-mana spell, and that keeps the MUI low. Now I am not asserting that this is a “fair” deck. It is “unfair” precisely because it can play Hollow One as a 1-mana spell on turns one and two. But it is not an “Uneven” deck and plays differently from “Uneven” decks. Much like Burn, it comes out fast, but if you neutralize or evade its fast start, you are often favored to win. The “Uneven” decks tend to be slower, but snap their trap suddenly after they have assembled their resources.
This use of MUI adds a fully quantitative value to Dave’s semi-quantitative “Fair”, “Ambiguous”, and “Unfair”. It is a value that is derived directly from the structure of the deck, and usefully separates many of the decks that we consider “Fair” and “Unfair” based upon fundamental constraints in deck-building.

By: Gar-Rot Stone Fri, 13 Apr 2018 12:53:43 +0000 When you Bloodbraid into Ancestoral Vision it’s not a fair card.

By: Noah Bruner Sat, 07 Apr 2018 06:05:45 +0000 I think there’s an interesting parallel here between TKS and BBE. In each case, you’re paying 4 mana for an arguably below the curve creature (4/4 vanilla vs 3/2 with haste) and generating one “virtual card advantage point” over your opponent. I think if TKS is fair, BBE has to be considered fair as well.

This does make me want to ask if the goalposts of fair can be moved as a format grows and matures, or if what moves is strictly the goalposts for being considered overpowered. If the definition of fairness is indeed fluid, it might help explain why it’s so hard to define it in words.

By: Darcy Hartwick Fri, 06 Apr 2018 12:47:47 +0000 In reply to Victor Len.

Had a similar feeling of deja vu as well. Especially seeing the comparison based on the list of top 30 decks (tier one two and three). The odds an unbanning would create entirely new decks is slim, as are the odds of it meaningfully pushing something out of tier three.

Both this and the speed article would have been more compelling if they looked at top results of recent events in order to compile metagame shares (I assume mtgo cant be used for this anymore due to how data is released). Even if its just a four tournament sample size it means so much more to say the actual top tables went from 30 percent fast or unfair to 50 percent, rather than saying of the top x decks overall 7 were unfair and now 8 are unfair. Without weighting for actual presence/share its just not an indicator of anything. Esp in tier three where we’re adding ten decks that combined have less share than any tier one deck, but each counts the same value as that tier one deck.

I think the easier question to answer is what decks have suffered or been pushed out recently – ie is mardu pyromancer still a thing? Or conversely what decks are well positioned now.

I think we’re going to see some serious changes in the format with dampening sphere. A two mana rock that anyone can play that neuters storm, tron while doing splash damage to decks like grishoalbrand, snapcaster decks, ad nauseum, eldrazi, etc has to matter.

By: Victor Len Thu, 05 Apr 2018 10:38:26 +0000 I fail to see how that question is interesting.
Your definition of fair/unfair isn’t a bad one, but honestly, what is the point of trying to define if something like, lets say, Infect or Affinity, is fair or unfair ?
You will need very specific answers to each strategy anyway.
I appreciate the time invested in this article, but I do think it could be used better elsewhere. Especially considering we just had a similar article about the format’s speed.

By: David Ernenwein Wed, 04 Apr 2018 18:54:28 +0000 In reply to Jordan Boisvert.

True, a 3/2 with haste for 4 isn’t playable, but that has nothing to do with its fairness. Remember, power doesn’t matter. It’s whether the mechanics break the rules of the game. Cascade lets you play a random spell off the top of your deck at no additional cost. Free mana is an unfair mechanic. Whether that makes Bloodbraid an unfair card is the question.

By: David Ernenwein Wed, 04 Apr 2018 18:52:11 +0000 In reply to Jordan Boisvert.

You do realize that Murphy’s Law dictates that this deck now exists and will 5-0 a league right?

By: David Ernenwein Wed, 04 Apr 2018 18:49:50 +0000 In reply to Fred Bechtold.

I’m not saying Jund is unfair. I am asking the question of whether playing an additional card off the top of your deck for free is unfair. Free mana is generally an unfair mechanic, but does that necessarily equate to an unfair card? I don’t know, but it makes me wonder.

By: Fred Bechtold Wed, 04 Apr 2018 15:25:23 +0000 Your going to have a hard time convincing people jund is unfair.. Again i feel like this is an article derived from your personal bias towards bloodbraid elf.. I agree with the above comment from Graeme and mudanhonnyaku.. I feel the extra value is payed for in the 4cmc. Its just a good example of a 2 for 1. And of course it’ll be built around. That’s the only way to maximize the value.

By: Mikefon Wed, 04 Apr 2018 15:00:37 +0000 In reply to Mikefon.

Just to be clear: I understood your joke there, but I could be just so mad to give it a try for fun! 😉

By: Mikefon Wed, 04 Apr 2018 14:57:51 +0000 In reply to Jordan Boisvert.

Interesting idea. But that means adding two colors (white for nacatl and black for BB). Isn’t traverse death’s shadow just better then?

By: Jordan Boisvert Wed, 04 Apr 2018 10:56:42 +0000 In reply to mudanhonnyaku.

TBH that Temur deck just needs to splash Wild Nacatl for early pressure and Bitterblossom in the side for midrange (and growing Goyf past Reality Smasher) and it would be fine. A Valakut or two might help beat grindy decks too.

By: Jordan Boisvert Wed, 04 Apr 2018 10:55:21 +0000 In reply to Graeme Holliday.

I agree with Graeme. In a format with TKS, Gifts, and JTMS as common 4-drop options, no way is a 3/2 haste for 2RG a good rate. Cascade obviously offsets that, but the mechanic’s randomness helps balance it out.

By: mudanhonnyaku Tue, 03 Apr 2018 23:51:38 +0000 The thing everyone forgets about BBE is that a 3/2 haste is not even close to being worth 4 mana in two colors. It was a bit closer in 2009 when creatures were weaker, but today there are numerous 3-power haste creatures with upside for 3 mana, very few of which saw play in Modern either before or after the unbans. The closest comparison to BBE-minus-cascade is the 2 mana Spike Jester, a french vanilla 3/1 haste for BR. BBE doesn’t give you a spell “for free”; the value of the cascade is priced in, and it just isn’t a good card if you don’t build a deck around it to get consistent cascade value.

This is why Temur All The Unbanned Cards jamming Jace, Bloodbraid and Ancestral Vision together doesn’t put up results. Such a deck doesn’t want to run normal <4CMC counterspells because they're 100% dead cascade hits (Jund's discard spells and Ponza's mana dorks are the respective decks' worst cascades and are still better than literal blanks) but without them its early interaction is limited to burn spells and the anaemic Izzet Charm. Successful BBE decks (whether Jund, Ponza or Gruul Eldrazi) work because the cards they run are all naturally good cascade targets, while Temur has to cripple itself to support the mechanic.

By: Graeme Holliday Tue, 03 Apr 2018 22:18:12 +0000 In reply to Roland F. Rivera Santiago.

Personally I view BBE as extremely fair. It’s a creature and something else, a classic 2 for 1. Sure it’s a good rate, but that doesn’t make it unfair, just like Tarmogoyf isn’t unfair just because it’s big for its mana cost. BBE generates card advantage in a manner very similar to Pia and Kiran Nalaar, for instance.

By: Roland F. Rivera Santiago Tue, 03 Apr 2018 21:00:20 +0000 The question of whether Bloodbraid is a fair card or not is an interesting one. I lean toward no, mainly because of cascade circumventing the “pay mana to cast your spells” aspect of fair Magic. It primarily sees play in fair decks, but that does not make the card itself fair.
