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Hello, everybody and welcome to a new week of the Daily Stock Watch! Standard cards are starting to move in the wake of new brews with cards from Guild of Ravnica, and we're all but ready to see which deck will be the new Black Red Midrange (arguably the best deck from last season) of the format as MtGO tournaments start to pop out. There's no denying that people always resort to the early results of tournament decks in MtGO and this week, Golgari Aggro/Explore was easily the biggest winner where this card, along with the two Vraska planeswalkers in the format, shone the brightest.
This sturdy planeswalker from Core 2019 has been a steady presence since it was printed as it has versatility that very few cards can offer. Despite this power level, it hasn't proven itself to be a $20 card and stayed in the $10-$13 range until six Golgari variants made its way to the top eight of MtGO's most recent Standard PTQ. Every list had at least a copy of Vivien Reid in its 75 despite the fact that Vraska, Golgari Queen and Vraska, Relic Seeker has the same abilities that it could offer for an extra dimension of stability. We'd usually like to look at the list that won the whole thing, but let's settle today with the one that holds Vivien Reid highly in its main deck for various reasons.
Golgari Explore
This deck looked like a good stuff list with the number of planeswalkers and more popular Standard spells that are in it. It overwhelms the opponent with card power and advantage that's brought about by planeswalkers that could protect itself and power out win conditions if left unscathed. This list is also very promising as the shell looks like it needs very little room for improvement to contend in the future meta game. A third color could be an option, but the current state of things don't actually call for it even though shock lands and Dominaria lands are available to balance things out. One thing would be sure though for now: Vivien Reid would be a staple for the coming months and that price tag will be here to stay.
The Planeswalker Standard World
There are lots of planeswalkers that are Standard-legal, thanks to five from Core 2019 and the inclusion of cards from theme decks that are deemed legal for competitive play. The cards above are on my personal list of tier one and its arguable that it could be better in the coming months if a different meta game surfaces from the one that we are currently seeing and experiencing. Vivien Reid found its niche and less M19 packs will be opened, so that would be a more powerful case for it keeping its current value. As was the case before with Vraska, Relic Seeker when it spiked due to its Pro Tour exposure, I would be more cautious with this card's price going forward. I would be suggesting that you get copies now if you intend to play competitive Standard for the entire season, and to simply stay away from speculating and reselling purposes if you didn't get them for $13 or less. The market for Standard is just as volatile as Bitcoin was if you ask me and that is definitely a financial ground that I wouldn't want to touch much. Only get this card if you are going to use it as there would be so much at risk if you'll be betting marbles on a high risk spec like this.
At the moment, StarCityGames and Card Kingdom are already out of stock of this card at $24.99 and $19.99 respectively, while vendors at TCGPlayer has the lowest at $21.09 for some foreign copies. It's surprisingly popular for a Standard card which doesn't have Modern staying power, but rotation is way too far ahead so people are willing to pound it for what it's worth. Try getting some for a lower value and don't be deceived by the hype too much. This card will eventually crash back to earth at some point in the future.
And that’s it for today’s edition of the Daily Stock Watch! See you again next time, as we check out a new card that should be on the go, or good enough for speculating. As always, feel free to share your opinion in the comments section below. And if you want to keep up with all the market movement, be sure to check in with the QS Discord Channel for real time market information, and stay ahead of the hottest specs!