Comments on: Modern Top 5: Best of 2019 Play More, Win More, Pay Less Tue, 10 Dec 2019 07:06:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jordan Boisvert Tue, 10 Dec 2019 07:06:47 +0000 In reply to Steven Givens.

I think you’re mostly right about Simic decks just never not running him. But the same can be said of Lightning Bolt for red decks, or Goyf for green decks (okay, maybe not this one anymore). While this type of color-defining card is nothing new for Modern, I can see it being annoying, especially since Oko comes down and does Oko things for awhile pretty much every game opponents see it. At least with Bolt, it’s a one-time deal!

By: David Ernenwein Sun, 08 Dec 2019 07:02:52 +0000 In reply to Steven Givens.

There is a reason he is on my watchlist.
Apparently, Oko just got lost in the shuffle. Paul Cheon and Melissa De Torra said on the Wizards stream a few weeks ago that they spent so much time adjusting the Food decks that they lost sight of Oko and didn’t really test him in his final configuration. And never used him on opposing permanents at any point.

By: Steven Givens Sun, 08 Dec 2019 04:52:19 +0000 I still can’t believe they printed Oko as he is…he’s exactly the sort of card I don’t like…powerful, cheap, and asks nothing of you other than being able to cast him. I’m struggling to think of reasons why a deck that can produce both blue and green mana shouldn’t run him in some number in their 75. I mean, how many 3-mana walkers have we ever had that are legitimate threats to be able to win the game on their own? Liliana the Last Hope? Maybe Gideon of the Trials? But he just pressures so well. I mean, assuming you have an astrolabe or something on your side of the board, he can be a 3-mana walker that plusses to 5 to make a (permanent) 3/3 with what amounts to haste. I feel like we’re just going to see more and more of him everywhere in Modern, unfortunately.
