
Deck of the Week: Gx Eldrazi Aggro

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. The new year is upon us, which means that Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan is coming soon as well. As we gear up for the return to the first Modern Pro Tour in several years, we can expect to see pros exploring […]

Deck of the Week: Breach Blue Moon

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. The recent Modern meta has continuously shifted from fair decks, to combo decks, to big-mana decks. It says a lot about the diversity of the format, regardless of how other people think about the Top 8 decks at Grand Prix Oklahoma. With […]

Deck of the Week: As Foretold Living End

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. I must admit that MTGO player 1310HaZzZaRd has been one of my favorite deck brewers, and he was at his best again last week.Ā The deck we’re looking at today is a radical new look for Living End, hybridized with an As Foretold […]

Deck of the Week: Lantern Control

Hello, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. There has been some buzz lately that control is actually good in Modern again. We all know that means Cryptic Command and Snapcaster Mage, but really, what’s more controlling than a full-on prison deck? That’s rightā€”Lantern Control has been on the rise, […]

Deck of the Week: Bogles

Greetings, Nexites. For this week’s Deck of the Week segment I’m taking over from Rob, but you can expect him back in full force next week. Last weekend was an interesting one for Modern, as we saw an old fringe deck put up not one, but three finishes in high-level MTGO tournaments. I’m talking, of […]

Deck of the Week: Mardu Reveler

Good day, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of Deck of the Week. In my relentless pursuit for the “next big thing” in Modern, I found another gem that we could try, and maybe polish, for the coming days. Without further ado, let’s take a look at this undefeated deck from one of MTGO’s […]

Deck of the Week: Orzhov Planeswalker Control

Hello again, Nexites, and welcome to a new edition of “Deck of the Week.” Today, I’ll be sharing a deck that I think is a good choice for the current metagame. It went undefeated in one of MTGO’s Competitive Modern Leagues, and should be something that’s worth trying. Orzhov PW Control, by aytor_92Ā  (5-0, Competitive […]

Deck of the Week: BR Discard Aggro

Editor’s note: Please welcome Rob San Juan to Modern Nexus, who will be writing a weekly feature and some other behind-the-scenes content. Hello, Nexites! My name is Rob San Juan, and I’ll be restarting the old “Deck of the Week” segment. This was previously handled by our editor, Jason Schousboeā€”I’ll be taking it over for […]

Deck of the Week: Eldrazi Stompy & Taxes

Greetings, Nexites. We have some exciting things in the works this week, but today I merely get to bring you another Deck of the Week. Much as I wanted to highlight something novel from Grand Prix San Antonio, it seems an avalanche of Death’s Shadow and Affinity decks were the going fare throughout much of […]

Deck of the Week: Krark-Clan Trawler Eggs

To my mind, few archetypes exemplify the spirit of Modern better than Eggs. For anyone not already familiar with the deck, just looking atĀ a list is likely to induce head-scratching and incredulity. Just how, exactly, does this utterly insane pile of unplayable chaff win a game of Magic, our hypothetical newcomer to Modern may ask. […]

Deck of the Week: GW Eldrazi Evolution

Greetings, Nexites. I’m deep in the middle of the late-February/early-March metagame update, which I will have for you by the end of the week. In the meantime, I’m highlighting anĀ innovative take on the Eldrazi tribeĀ that was taken to a 5-0 finish in an MTGO League. We’ve seen a large number of decks sporting Eldrazi creatures […]

Deck of the Week: Hardened Scales Affinity

When I think of the affinity mechanic, the first color that comes to mind is usually blue. I suppose that’s mostly because of Thoughtcast’s traditional role in the older versions of the archetype, but for me it also recalls days past of grinding Pauper Dailies with Myr Enforcer into Rush of Knowledge. Artifacts-matter cards are […]

Deck of the Week: Death’s Shadow Jund

I had initially intended to bring you the January metagame update today, but looking over the data and consulting with Sheridan, we decided to wait a week in order to incorporateĀ more post-banning data, including Star City Games Regionals. Instead, we’ll be covering one of the early changesĀ that has resulted from Wizards’ recent format shake-up. The […]

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