Chad breaks down the winners from PT Gatecrash, theorizing where the prices of format staples will be moving from here.
Chad Havas
Chad prepares to make moves both before and during the Pro Tour. What will you be buying in on?
Chad breaks down his picks of Gatecrash rares to keep an eye on.
Chad covers every Mythic in Gatecrash and gives you his opinion and analysis of each call.
With new spoilers out, Chad starts picking targets based pm how the Standard Format might look a month from now.
Reflecting on one’s past work is a great way to learn, so why not critique that of others? This week Chad and Corbin review each other’s RtR set reviews to highlight all of the best hits and misses.
Chad looks at some of his recent Standard calls. makes a new one for Modern season, and looks at one of the spoiled Gatecrash mythics.
Figuring out the correct way to react to recent announcements concerning Vintage on MODO can be daunting, bud Chad has your back with some ideas to get started in the right direction.
How is Standard shifting since last week’s update, and what is the state of affairs in the PTQ world?
With the Standard metagame finally starting to settle down a bit, Chad is looking to stay one step ahead of the tide of week-to-week tweaks with his new spec targets.
Managing a Portfolio is a tedious, yet important task. Make sure you’re on top of your specs.
Chad continues his foray into MTGO by discussing the cards he is speculating on, and what others he is interested in.
Chad lays out his plan for getting started on MTGO by discussing what to do with all of your bulk.