Chad worked on the Judge staff for this past weekend’s San Diego Comic Con and attended the Judge Conference. What he learned from this event transcends the narrow monetary perspective of “value”.
Chad Havas
What high dollar card is going to plummet in the very near future? Chad picks a soon-to-be loser, details his reasoning, and tells you when to jump back in. Don’t miss it.
Chad breaks down new cards and those that might see a rise because of them today in his article.
Last week Chad mentioned an awesome resource for analyzing price changes in MTGO singles. In addition to reviewing the Banned and Restricted announcement, he spent some time looking over data and doing some research and something has become readily apparent.
Chad explores the impact the current M13 spoilers and delves into some speculation on this exciting core set.
Chad dissects the gainers and losers in a world where WoTC decides to ban Show and Tell.
Chad pokes at Standard with the Pro Tour behind us to find out how to best predict the next Standard Metagame shift.
Chad expected last weekends Open in Providence to provide some new decklists so we could jump on some speculations right away. The results of the event, however, weren’t exactly innovative.
Chad picks up on some Uncommons to stash from Avacyn Restored and a potential Sleeper Rare.
Cavern of Souls is going to redefine many formats, prepare for the move before everyone else figures it out.