The new Standard metagame is heavily dominated by green, with a sprinkling of other strategies. Corbin breaks it down and explains where he thinks key cards are headed soon.
Corbin Hosler

Corbin Hosler is a journalist living in Norman, Oklahoma (also known as the hotbed of Magic). He started playing in Shadowmoor and chased the Pro Tour dream for a few years, culminating in a Star City Games Legacy Open finals appearance in 2011 before deciding to turn to trading and speculation full-time. He writes weekly at and biweekly for LegitMTG. He also cohosts Brainstorm Brewery, the only financial podcast on the net. He can best be reached @Chosler88 on Twitter.
Corbin Hosler discusses the Khans cards he believes show breakout potential. Now is the time to target these cards, as we gear up for the inevitable spikes during the Pro Tour.
Corbin Hosler continues the coverage of Khans of Tarkir with the Abzan cards. These are the cards to keep an eye out for, along with his predictions for their price movement in the near term.