War of the Spark spoiler season is here, and Adam has some potential specs to cash in on the new cards.
Adam Yurchick

Adam believes Modern Horizons may have a similar effect as the original Modern Masters, helping the format explode in popularity. Given this, acquiring staples looks attractive.
This week Adam talks financial fallout from Faithless Looting, a major corporate sponsorship for Magic Esports, the new London Mulligan rule, and a tip to make MTGO more affordable.
War of the Spark is creating opportunities in the Standard market and beyond, and Modern Horizons is set to revolutionize Modern. Adam looks at some cards that stand to benefit.
Modern Horizons, the new London Mulligan rule, and premier-level events are important factors driving the Magic market this week and beyond. Adam tells you what you need to know.
From the removal of MSRP to the passing of the coverage torch to CFB, this week had some big stories relevant to Magic finance. Adam is here with the news and what it means.
This week had some big stories relevant to Magic finance. Adam is here with the news and what it means for speculators.
Ravnica Allegiance and the banning of Krark-Clan Ironworks mean big things for Modern. Today Adam shares some ways to take advantage of the new meta.
Ravnica Allegiance is driving new demand in Modern and Commander. Adam has the details along with insight into what might be next to move.
Speculating on pre-orders is tough battle. Today Adam shares how to capitalize on new spoilers by instead buying existing cards that benefit from them.
Basic lands are worth more than many realize—until recently Adam included. Today he tells the story of how he learned he was sitting on a gold mine in bulk.
It’s hard to keep track of the fast-moving Magic news cycle. Adam slows it down and covers everything crucial that you might have missed this week.
With UMA lowering prices, cards not reprinted are suddenly more attractive. Adam shares his picks, which are seeing increased demand from a dynamic metagame.