
Dylan Lerch

Dylan Lerch is a professional poker player currently living in Houston, TX. After discovering Magic: the Gathering in 1995, it's been the only hobby that's stuck with him from grade school through post-college adulthood. Notable Magical achievements include a top 8 at the Stronghold prerelease, Notable qualities include a second-degree black belt, sporting a permanent beard, and living in the suburbs with his best friend Valeri and a giant pack of dogs. Finally graduating beyond filling stacks of spiral-bound notebooks full of partial decklists, he started writing The Brewery in October, 2010, eventually landing him his spot on the Quiet Speculation team.

Since I last wrote of Pauper, much has changed on MTGO! Included here are a full MTGO field archetype breakdown, multiple new decklists, and reader questions from Twitter.

There was a time when this deck was flying under the radar (well, as much as arguably the strongest deck from last season can really do) and the best reason to bring in a card like Kiln Fiend or Frost Titan was that your opponent simply sideboarded out their removal for game 2! This would also put your hapless opponent in a difficult decision for game 3 […]

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Quiet Speculation