This week Sigmund kicks off a week of Khans of Tarkir coverage, focusing on The Jeskai Way. Will this shard have an impact on Standard and demonstrate financial relevance? Read on to see what Sigmund predicts for this URW clan.
Sigmund Ausfresser
Khans of Tarkir is generating a lot of hype for the fall. Some cards are on the move based on this anticipated hype. This week Sigmund looks at the recent movers and outlines his suggested strategy based on these new prices.
With the recent reprint and spoiler announcements, Sigmund offers insight into how best to navigate the reintroduction of Onslaught fetch lands.
Sigmund has made some significant changes to his MTG portfolio over the summer. This week he breaks down how his resources are allocated, concluding with his favorite targets to buy today.
Although playing it safe with investments almost guarantees a positive return, it’s hard not to lament missed opportunity cost. This week Sigmund acknowledges this itch and reconciles his MTG Finance strategy going forward.
Sigmund didn’t have much luck at last weekend’s PTQ, but he did observe a few financial trends in his dealings with the retailers on site. This week he shares his observations and identifies his new favorite pick-up for the next few months.
New buyouts are taking place, which can mean speculation is back in action. But Wizards’ changes to the Pro Tour structure could bode poorly for Modern. Sigmund reconciles the two in this week’s article.
The MTG community was bombarded with new information from SDCC this past Saturday. What does it all mean? This week Sigmund digests the information and shares his initial reactions in a financial context.
Lately, Sigmund has been dwelling on the poor performance of Modern staples. This week he looks to other formats to observe their financial health and summarizes his current focus areas in MTG Finance.
Don’t you wish you could still make some money when your cards drop in price? With advanced trading tools such as options, you can. Sigmund describes an option trade he just completed and why it could be the start of something new.
The Modern market has been selling hard over the last couple months. So much so that Sigmund believes we are officially in Bear Market territory. This week he explains what this means for your portfolio and the significant changes he’s made to his.
Warren Buffet’s famous advice “Be Fearful When Others Are Greedy and Greedy When Others Are Fearful” may hold up well on Wall Street, but fundamentals are a bit different in MTG Finance. Sigmund makes some hard decisions this week as he looks through a Modern portfolio of decaying value.
MTG Investing has a balance, and sometimes we can’t have it all. But knowing which factors are most important to you will ensure your experience will be fulfilling.