Which Akroma art do you prefer, and what are the financial implications?
Ryan Overturf
Vintage Super League season 4 will not be funded by WotC. As such, Randy Buehler is looking for an alternate way to fund the project.
A new Duel Deck is here, and with it we have two new mechanics spoiled!
A new build of Abzan dominated GP London. Will we ever be rid of the Abzan menace?
Now that we are actually using Play Points, how do we fell about the system?
Theros’s rotation is on the horizon, and it’s taking some very powerful cards with it. Check out the positions Ryan is interested in to fill the gaps left behind!
If you haven’t already, take some time to make your collection uniquely identifiable.
Enemy fetches have spiked, and now Khans fetches are on the rise.
Looking for 15 foil angels? How do these ones look to you?
Mill wins the GP! Could this deck possibly be the real deal?
With PT Origins in the books and the corresponding spikes logged, it’s time to think about what to do with our cards and money.
Enemy fetches will not be in Battle for Zendikar. So where do we go from here?
What would you play in a Modern with no Ban List?