Ryan breaks down two PTQ experiences he recently had with his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan Overturf
Ryan explores new Modern, reporting on the results of his playtesting with Nacatl and Delver.
Ryan points his spells to the dome with an update of his Standard Burn deck.
Ryan is busy brewing decks for new Modern and is certainly going in some unexpected directions.
Ryan adapts to the new Standard format by exploring a new flavor of R/w: Burn.
Ryan ruminates on the direction Modern might head in the coming months.
Ryan examines the new set’s spoiler in search of information regarding the future of Standard.
Ryan cubes, and craziness ensues.
Ryan delves into the spoiler in search of new gems.
Watch Ryan run his version of R/w Devotion through a daily event on Magic Online.
Ryan sets goals for Magic in 2014 and chimes in on a few key early spoilers.
Watch Ryan work his way through a Holiday Cube draft!
Ryan breaks down his sideboard plans for R/w Devotion, reasoning his way through all of the major Standard archetypes.