Diego’s back with a graphic visualization of Pro Tour Amonkhet.
Diego Fumagalli

Diego’s back with another pair of infographics, this time focusing on the Modern banned list and metagame!
Join Diego for a series of infographics breaking down set value by rarity, number of cards, and more.
Diego’s back with another awesome infographic!
Diego is back with a series of infographics covering the effects of the latest change to the Standard rotation schedule.
Diego returns with a new infographic, showing the metagame breakdown and major trends at Pro Tour Kaladesh!
Diego is back with another great infographic, this time with a full breakdown of Pro Tour Eldritch Moon!
How have Standard sets’ values evolved recently? Diego breaks it down in this week’s infographic.
Wondering if it will be worth it to crack that extra box of Eldritch Moon? Diego breaks down the expected value of the new set in today’s infographic.
Diego returns to the twenty most-played cards in Standard. This infographic highlights the staples that have defined the format so far since rotation.
Diego presents an infographic of the major changes in value from Shadows over Innistrad. These are the biggest cards that over- or underperformed expectations.
A week after release Eternal Masters prices have settled somewhat. Diego presents the updated breakdown of expected value from a box of EMA.
Diego presents a visualization of the shifting Modern metagame through the last few years bannings and unbannings.