
Jordan Boisvert

Jordan is Assistant Director of Content at Quiet Speculation and a longtime contributor to Modern Nexus. Best known for his innovations in Temur Delver and Colorless Eldrazi, Jordan favors highly reversible aggro-control decks and is always striving to embrace his biases when playing or brewing.

Modern Horizons 2 has been around for a month, and the format has adjusted thoroughly. That’s not to say the dust has settled; just that the world is very different now. Today, we’ll take a look at the directions fair decks are headed, featuring a pair of red one-drops that have already begun to redefine […]

Welcome back to Modern Top 5: Modern Horizons 2 edition! Yesterday, we touched on the Incarnations (ranked from best to worst here) and dove deep on Sudden Edict, Urza’s Saga, and Prismatic Ending. Now, it’s time for the final chapter in our comprehensive Modern Horizons 2 spoiler overview: heaps of text on my picks for […]

Modern Top 5 is a long-running article series in which I use a set of pre-defined metrics to rank the best of breed in different categories. Past contests have included utility cards, hosers, enablers, beaters, and planeswalkers… come to think of it, though, most of those contests are due for an update! Today’s brand-new entry […]

To quote a great doctor, “the M.H. saga continues.” Yesterday, we considered the decks to be impacted and created by Modern Horizons 2, and today, we’ll look at at the many role-players present in the set. Let’s begin with the Incarnation cycle (ranked!), after which we’ll check out new removal, utility, and build-around options. Finally, it […]

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