
Jordan Boisvert

Jordan is Assistant Director of Content at Quiet Speculation and a longtime contributor to Modern Nexus. Best known for his innovations in Temur Delver and Colorless Eldrazi, Jordan favors highly reversible aggro-control decks and is always striving to embrace his biases when playing or brewing.

The bars are opening, and with them, certain among the FNM registry’s many stinky basements. In other words, it’s officially Christmas. And if you don’t celebrate Christmas, well, it’s time to start: Modern Horizons 2 is fully spoiled as of yesterday! On that note, I’m thrilled to welcome you, fellow Modern fanatic, to the first […]

Starms a-comin’ in. You know, Modern Horizons 2? As usual, though, Modern players aren’t content to just sit around and wait for the new cards. They’re as busy as ever creating, tuning, and tweaking new creations! Today, we’ll look at a couple of notable developments this month: the propagation of tech from UR Prowess and […]

When it was first spoiled, Prismari Command wasn’t particularly exciting to Modern players. But this month, we’re seeing the card on a noticeable uptick, with players registering two to even the full four copies in archetypes as strategically diverse as value, combo, and control. Clearly there’s something to this three-mana instant! Today, we’ll take a […]

The month after a new set release is always an exciting time in the 5-0 dumps: full of churn, upheaval, and of course, ideas! In these periods, players are far less concerned with identifying metagame direction and innovating solutions to emerging trends; indeed, attempting to do so this early might prove a fool’s errand anyway. […]

Just before Strixhaven dropped, we observed some intriguing developments among Modern’s top decks in Jund Shadow and Omnath piles. While all the talk’s been focused around Clever Lumimancer latelty, with the card showing promise (and also, floundering) depending on the shell, I’d like to remind us all that some players were breaking the mold before […]

Despite a glitch in the Matrix which led to less data than usual last month, the March dumps nonetheless did betray a grip of Modern movement both among established archetypes and lesser-played brews. Today, we’ll look at a few of the ways two of the format’s premier strategies—Omnath and Jund Shadow—have adjusted to the recent […]

Kaldheim is finally here and legal, and there’s a lot to unpack in this relatively innocuous set. Among the cards I’m most excited for are a set of juicy effect lands, an intriguing foretell spell, some promising hate cards, and a new cycle of Gods more tailored to Modern than any previous incarnation. Let’s dive […]

It’s a new year for Modern, and brewers haven’t wasted a moment’s time. Early January’s biggest novel developments were among attacking decks, ranging from basement-low Swiftspear decks to grindier Uro piles while featuring a rare twist that’s been murmured about since the format’s creation! Sligh Fox Let’s start from the bottom. Mono-Red Prowess and its […]

It may well be January, but we’re not out of the woods yet—2020 and I have some unfinished bidness to attend to, or specifically, the final brew report of the year! That players are still brewing novel decks bodes well for the new year, as such trends will probably continue. Creatures Galore Modern’s always been […]

Whew! What a year it’s been. All signs point to 2021 being better than 2020, but how much better? Like, what if we wanted to totally decimate 2020 out of spite? (Big “what if…”) I’ve got a few ideas cooking that would make year a memorable one for me. And after sharing them, I’d love […]

The world’s on fire, or so it can seem—depending on your news outlet, salvation may well be around the corner. In any case, there’s one world that’s blooming and flourishing, and that’s the world of Magic: Online Modern invention! Today, we’ll check out four of the coolest decks I’ve seen surface in December thus far, […]

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Quiet Speculation