
Chas Andres

Once upon a time, there was a little Thraximundar. He ate, and ate, and ate, and one day he grew up to be a very large Thraximundar that played the bass for Grixis' second best metal band. Oh, you wanted something about me? My name is Chas. I'm 25 years old, unless you're reading this after September 22nd, 2011, in which case I am 26 or more years old. I live in Studio City, California with my girlfriend, our two cats, and a few hundred thousand Magic cards. I am trying to become a television writer, but instead of working on my pilot I am writing this bio and/or an article for this site. I mostly draft, and I am generally pretty good at it. I tend to 3-0 most weeks at FNM for the first month or so of a new set. Then everyone else learns how to draft it and I tend to start to lose. I like foils. Even the bendy ones. I put them in perfect fit sleeves inside other sleeves and pretend they aren't bendy. My favorite animal is Robot. My favorite color is Simic. Read my articles and comment about them. I like the attention.

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