Paul Feudo

Modern PTQ seasons has impacted the price of many format staples in a huge way. Paul breaks down the cards he still thinks are prime targets.
Spoilers and the PTQ season shift have sparked price changes on several key cards. Don’t fall behind the curve this early in the year.
With prices low on RtR cards, Paul has some picks for solid investments, along with some picks you might be surprised to see the price of.
With B/R Aggro still dominating events, see what Paul thinks of the deck’s staples moving forward as Gatecrash continues to loom over the horizon.
Papa Jace has exploded in price recently, and Paul has some ideas about what might be the cause, ideas that could have wider ramifications for speculators in the near future.
Paul reviews the opportunity cost of investing in Magic, analyzing why and where his preference lies.
Paul reviews the results from this past weekend’s Pro Tour, analyzing the successful archetypes and the worthwhile angles which to approach them.