Many control players play slowly because they believe that control has to. David E. is here to tell them they’re wrong. Control can and should play faster!
David Ernenwein

How much of Modern’s “diversity” is really just the same strategies masquerading as different decks? David E. asks whether the numbers really do lie.
The February Modern Metagame Update is here, and its data seems deeply at odds with the claims Wizards made about format win rates. What’s the real story?
The Pioneer metagame isn’t changing post-Pro Tour. David E. believes that physics has the answer to why players seem unwilling to innovate or change decks.
With Pro Tour Phyrexia in the books, David E. starts to wonder if he got Pioneer all wrong. Have Magic’s best managed to crack the format’s secret identity?
Pioneer is known for extreme stability. But with ONE’s release just ahead of the RCQs, is the meta about to shift? David has the scoop on three emerging decks.
The January Modern Metagame Update is here. In this month, the top decks remain stable while the lower tiers show more innovation and experimentation.
Jeskai Underworld Breach spent January evolving from a hybrid aggro-combo deck into a value-tempo sleeper. David E.’s got the three best cards to hate it out.
With most of the flagship cards already spoiled, role players begin to emerge. Decks need support cards to function, and One offers all formats potent ones.
This new Nahiri is already looking to pack way more of a punch than her predecessor, however tragic her story… although not in the deck one might expect.
There’s been a leak of rares from Phyrexia: All Will Be One. One of those rares looks to completely rewrite the rules of Modern, as David E. explains.