Historically speaking, now is the time to be selling your Standard cards. Click away if you want more details.
Danny Brown
Be sure to fill out the MTGO (dis)satisfaction survey!
Considering whether you’re in an allied or enemy color pair can help you navigate your drafts to the best possible finishes.
Here’s a breakdown of the decks that made the top eight of Pro Tour Khans of Tarkir, with some things to consider should you be considering playing any of them.
WOTC announced some big changes to policies regarding Friday Night Magic, but will they have any impact in practice?
The most recent build of MTGO came with an unintended feature, and black mages are going to love it.
Danny Brown gears up for the Pro Tour this weekend with a survey of promising cards and a word of warning about risking cancelled orders by waiting too long.
Two-drops seem to be important in a land of three-mana 2/2 creatures. Here’s a quick summary of what’s available in KTK.
There’s a lot of problems with MTGO version 4, but here’s at least five things it has going for it.
The only thing worse than a catastrophic bug during the top eight of a major MTGO tournament is the WOTC attempt at damage control…
Brian Wong is moving on from Limited Resources. What does the future hold for one of Magic’s most popular podcasts?
Perhaps unwisely, we continue the controversial discussion of the winner-initiated “good game.”