Dylan highlights a few key points that have become apparent from examining the partially spoiled new set.
Dylan Beckham
Dylan has been involved in Magic: The Gathering since the heyday of The Dark. Continually invested in the community, he's been a Pro Tour Player, Trader, Judge, Tournament Organizer, Volunteer, and Vendor. Currently involved with the day to day operations of selling online, Dylan has brought his experience to Quiet Speculation to make you a better investor. Hailing from the Atlanta area, and now part of the Dallas scene - he's often at big events sourcing cards or discussing Life, the Universe, and Everything.
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Dylan explains the methods he uses as a cardseller to be ahead of the curve on under-priced cards.
Dylan examines techniques for spotting easily predictable price trends well ahead of schedule.
As the year comes to an end, Dylan reflects on the spectrum of Magic financier. Figure out the level to which you have developed, and the heights you hope to reach in 2014.
Dylan muses on some of the foundations of trading: communication and decision-making.
In his first article for QS, Dylan outlines his recipe for becoming a successful Magic trader.