Derek talks about the effect Dragon’s lukewarm reception will have on prices and commiserates on the general lack of standout rares.
Derek Madlem

Derek takes a look at the remainder of Dragons of Tarkir’s mythics, and isn’t terribly excited about what he’s found.
Derek takes a look at the announcements from the PAX convention and the first wave of spoilers from Dragons of Tarkir.
With much of the Magic markets in a calm period, Derek looks to Dragons of Tarkir for inspiration.
Derek introduces the concept of the Compost Box and digs through a box of bets to see which have panned out and which haven’t.
Derek talks about why now is the time to sell, and why waiting will cost you money.
Derek recaps the results of his Fate Reforged box opening project and points out some potential winners from the lukewarm Modern metagame being established this last weekend at Pro Tour Fate Reforged.
Derek covers a variety of topics straight from the trade floors of SCG Indianapolis, including the disturbing appearance of fake dual lands on the trade floor.
Derek shares some ideas for cards may get caught in the wake of Grave-Troll’s unbanning as well as a few cards he’s found to work well with Modern graveyard strategies from his own brewing experience.
Derek shares his calculations on whether or not it’s worth it to open sealed booster boxes of Fate Reforged.
Derek takes a look at the cards in and around Fate Reforged that will have the most room for growth after the set is released.
This week Derek evaluates the challenges of spoiler seasons and offers some advice on how you can be a responsible speculator.
Derek recaps some of the most significant changes to Magic in 2014, with an eye on what’s to come in 2015.