Kelly Reid
Kelly answers reader questions and muses about the end of the Summer PTQ season.
We’re almost done! After the 5 colors of rares, a whole article on the mythic rares, and almost a week straight of reviewing the 2011 Core Set, we finally conclude the review series with a discussion of artifacts and some choice uncommons. Considering Scars of Mirrodin is on the horizon, the artifacts are sure to cause a lot of buzz!
Green got the best rare in the set and by far the most expensive one, but is Fauna Shaman all hype? Is Obstinate Baloth going to see play? How will Overwhelming Stampede effect token decks? All this, and more, can be yours. Just keep reading!
Kelly Reid walks through the White cards in M11.
Kelly Reid tackles the Mythic Rares of M11.
Welcome to the new home of MTG Finance!
Kelly Reid, Talks about the M11 spoiler.