Confession time: I’m a Cheeri0s guy. No, not the cereal, although I’ve been known to start off the day with a bowl of Honey Nut goodness. I’m talking about Modern Cheeri0s, the speediest combo deck in the format. The blistering fast engine combo hasĀ been my back-burner deck since 2013 when Paladin was running solo. ThenĀ Aether […]
Sheridan Lardner
Happy new year, Moderners! It’s good to be back to the Nexus, even if I expect I’ll do far fewer articles in 2017 than I did last year. Between personal and professional developments, it’s been a very busy few months for me, but I’m excited to return and plunge into Magic’s newest set. No promises […]
Enemy-colored fastlands look to be some of the biggest Modern hits out of Kaladesh. Sheridan breaks down where they might go and how much they might cost.
Three Grand Prix in the books and many hot Modern cards coming to the surface! Sheridan points you to big winners after the Modern weekend.
August’s Modern Grand Prix weekend is just five days away! Sheridan has a handful of targets you’ll need to check out before coverage starts.
Summer 2016 has been a hostile season for the Urzatron. I’d been rolling over online opponents with RG Tron for months, but starting in late May, I detected a shift. More Infect and Death’s Shadow Zoo. More Through the Breach and Valakut. More crazy optimists thinking their new Shadows Over Innistrad tech would make Dredge […]
As Dredge continues its march to Modern’s top, Sheridan is here to help you buy the anti-Dredge staples you’ll need to beat the new menace.
With the addition of new Shadows over Innistrad staples, Dredge is making waves in Modern. Sheridan advises how to invest intelligently in the new powerhouse.
I’m always both sad and relieved when preview and spoiler season ends. Sad, because it’s fun watching the trickle of cards throughout the day and getting the big story and set staple reveals. Relieved, because it’s painful to watch people misappropriate the Bolt Test, evaluate cards without either testing or any metagame context, andĀ make one […]
With the full Eldritch Moon spoiler available, Sheridan starts the task of picking cards with Modern potential. He suggests whether to buy or hold off at current prices.
Last Friday morning, Allosaurus Rider went from a $.50 bulk-binder warmer to the next $20 buyout. TheĀ ColdsnapĀ and Duel Deck throwback has since stabilized in the $5-$7 range with most major retailers, but dino hype hasn’t had this much bite sinceĀ Jurassic WorldĀ trailers started appearing in late 2014. You can thank Gavin Verhey for the buyout; hisĀ Eldritch […]
Eldritch Evolution from EMN has the trappings of a major Modern player. Sheridan explores Evolution’s strategic and financial possibilities.
I got an email the other day asking if I’d finished any more Emrakul tests. I’ll take that one publicly: no, because I haven’t tested Emrakul specifically, but yes, because I’ve been getting in on the RG Tron MTGO action since last weekend. I’m really hating Jeskai’s Crumbles and Snapcasters, but otherwise the deck has […]