
Sheridan Lardner

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No Banned List Modern is the South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut of Magic. Playing No Banned List Modern today feels like sneaking Sharon Stone’s Basic Instinct on Sunday-afternoon cable when you were five. Or watching the opening fight of UFC #1, where a shirtless Vladimir Putin in karate-pants kicks the Hawaiian singer of Somewhere […]

Hello, Nexus readers and community! We are in the process of some technical, server-side changes today and potentially tomorrow. This will mean some downtime from our regular content schedule. Thank you for your patience as we keep improving the site. There might also be some additional technical steps that need to happen, which could require […]

Welcome to our second “Fixing Modern” column, where we define Modern’s most ingrained challenges and offer actionable solutions. Our goal is to give a voice to the many Moderners who have already identified our format’s longstanding difficulties, but currently lack the words or platform to express them. If nothing else, I hope “Fixing Modern” can […]

How are we more than halfway through preview season, and months into leak season, and we still have no idea who (or what) is causing all the madness on Innistrad? Hats off to Wizards for running a tight, riveting, and relatively spoiler-free march towards the official Shadows Over Innistrad set reveal this coming Friday. I […]

Happy Tuesday, Modern Nexus community! Some of you may have noticed a new page that has appeared at the top of our Modern Nexus menu. I’ve gotten plenty of emails, comments, and messages from users about how they can contribute to Modern Nexus without being a Staff Writer. “Can I submit a tournament report?” “Would you host […]

About three weeks ago, I was talking Modern with a Magic-playing friend of mine. He and I were debating flex slots in UG Infect and whether it would be better to take Eldrazi or anti-Eldrazi to Grand Prix Detroit. One of those questions is an interesting conversation for specialists like Tom Ross. The other is […]

Happy (semi-early) birthday to us! It was one year ago to the week we made our debut as “Masters of Modern” on Reddit and other social media. It was also one year ago to the week that our readers took a chance on a couple of relatively no-name Magic players and their vision of a […]

27 days left. April 4 is literally highlighted on my desk calendar, with a big red X drawn through a little Eldrazi caricature in the “Appointments” space. I’m not playing a single turn of sanctioned Modern until then, a resolution I believe many Modern players share. Who wants to even be at the same table as an […]

On Saturday and Sunday, the Gatewatch made their last stand against the Eldrazi in three cities across the world. The Grand Prix battles were fierce. Opposition was stiff. Weeks of debate and analysis led to this point, and the Modern community rallied with the best technology and innovation in its arsenal. But in the end, the outcome […]

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