A reckoning is coming. After months of ban mania, speculation, theorycrafting, and general rage against the Wizards machine, the January 18, 2016 banlist update will decide if Amulet Bloom is an acceptable Modern deck. Many authors players have vehemently opposed the combo strategy since Justin Cohen’s February run at Pro Tour Fate Reforged. Others, including […]
Sheridan Lardner
And they said Wasteland wasn’t Modern legal! Ghost Quarter has been a poor man’s Wasteland replacement for years, but with the recent rise of RG Tron, Bx Eldrazi, and other big-mana strategies, the Dissension uncommon is quickly emerging as a major police card in a format notoriously lacking the generic hate of Legacy. Nowhere was this more […]
Modern gets a big banlist update on January 18. Sheridan is here to predict the outcomes and advise how to make money on the announcement.
This metagame update almost didn’t happen. With a banlist announcement coming up in just two weeks and a new midrange deck redefining the online metagame, it felt silly to analyze a format that is sure to be radically different before January even ends. I changed my mind after sitting down and going through the numbers. […]
New Year’s resolutions are the high point of every January 1st celebration. Or maybe that’s just champagne. Or bowl game blowouts so outrageous they make Jeff Hoogland’s weekend loss to Bobby Fortanely’s Amulet Bloom look fair. Whether you prefer the booze or the club bashes to the boring promises, I’m sure you made at least […]
2016 promises to be a big year for Modern, and Sheridan is here with three (and a half) predictions to ring in the new year!
Welcome to 2016! Or, should I say, welcome to the Year of the Eldrazi! Cthulhu’s brood has been assimilating the Modern masses for about a month now, starting with EternallyRamza’s inconspicuous showing in an MTGO League on November 30 and culminating in Matthew Dilks’ 10th place run at the recent StarCityGames Open in Cincinnati. Every online Modern […]
As 2015 comes to a close, Sheridan looks back on three lessons we learned about Modern finance that can help us make better investments in 2016 and beyond!
I thought about marking up my work calendar with a countdown to January 18, but that felt too nerdy even for me. It’s just so hard not to get excited about the upcoming January 18 banlist update and its probable impact on Modern. Since last week, ban and unban speculation has been relatively quiet throughout […]
All I want for Christmas is the Oath of the Gatewatch spoiler season to start. That and insider information on the upcoming banlist announcement. Plus an eventual Innocent Blood reprint when we take a trip back to Innistrad. Maybe the Santa Claus’s at Wizards are listening, but if not, we still have a few Oath spoilers to get us through […]
Oath of the Gatewatch brings <> mana to Modern, along with many new synergies waiting to be explored. Sheridan is here to highlight key speculation targets that could rise after Oath’s release!
The January 18 banlist announcement is now a month and a day away. If you play Modern, there’s an excellent chance the inquisitors of the Modern community will scrutinize at least one of your decks. Probably all of them. Since December 1 alone, I’ve seen serious ban discussion aimed at Burn, URx Twin, BGx Midrange, Affinity, […]
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The holiday season? Nope. Oath of the Gatewatch spoiler hype and rage? Try again, but you’re getting warmer on the “hype” and “rage” business. With 2015 wrapping up and January 2016 right around the corner, ’tis the season of endless debate, discussion, and delirium about arguably the […]