
Sheridan Lardner

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When I predicted Scapeshift would hit the Top 8 of Grand Prix Pittsburgh, I expected a traditional Temur shell built around the namesake finisher. Thien Nguyen skipped the countermagic and went right for the kill. Piloting an explosive, linear, and focused Scapeshift list, Nguyen blasted his way to a 7th place finish at the Grand Prix. Was […]

I’m getting spoiled with all this Modern event data. November brought us the Regional Pro Tour Qualifier circuit, nonstop StarCityGames Qualifiers, and a massive North American Grand Prix in Pittsburgh. Those data-Scrooges at Wizards even started releasing MTGO League decklists! Between crunching those numbers, speculating about the new Grand Prix promo card, and sitting back […]

Two of the Dragons of Tarkir Commands need little introduction. Kolaghan’s singlehandedly put Grixis on the top-tier Modern map. Atarka’s has been buffing every Burn, Zoo, hybrid, and red-green aggro strategy since the spring. These cards have secured pedestals as format staples, capping off a block that gave us Swiftspears, fetchlands, black Goyfs, Bloodbraid Rhinos, and […]

We’re revisiting our weekly article structure throughout December, so we’re bringing back the “Deck of the Week” spotlight we ran earlier in the summer and fall. This will hopefully give brewers some new sources for inspiration, veterans some neat tech (or a couple of laughs), and Modern players format-wide a chance to see original decks. […]

Hello Nexus readers! Due to all the holiday travel and plans, particularly among our North American staff and audience, we’ll be taking the rest of the week off. Here’s wishing everyone a happy and safe Thanksgiving. If you’re not celebrating, here’s a video of all the holiday-week fun you’re missing out on. [wp_ad_camp_1] Also, as a […]

On Monday morning, one of my Magic friends asked me to share my favorite moment from Grand Prix Pittsburgh. That was like asking ten-year-old me what I wanted for my birthday. Was it Craig Wescoe finally doing justice to the obscure albeit awesome GW Hatebears? A Jeskai Twin deck (yep, Jeskai) not just making Top 8 […]

I started mulling over predictions for this article all the way back on November 3 when I posted my October metagame breakdown. I’ll be honest: Modern wasn’t looking too hot. Twin was back, but linear aggro, combo, and ramp (oh my!) commanded worrisome metagame shares. Jund and even Abzan kept respectable format slices, but were […]

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